项目作者: adrienaury

项目描述 :
Demonstrate how to configure Apache HTTPD to enable client certificate authentication.
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/adrienaury/client-certificate-example.git
创建时间: 2019-05-08T20:59:25Z

开源协议:MIT License


Client Certificate Authentication Demo

This project shows how to configure Apache HTTP Server (httpd) to enable client certificate authentication.

To run the demo :

  1. skaffold run --tail

Check this for more explanation on Skaffold.


  • Public location accessible at /public with instructions to download and install the client certificate
  • Private location accessible at /private to test the client certificate
  • Index page shows all mod_ssl environment variables and their value
  • A HTTP Header is set (or unset) with the current user CN if authenticated correctly (Authenticated-User-Name)
  • Certificates are auto-generated at docker build phase (they will change each time the application is built)

Without skaffold

Build and run the demo :

  1. docker build -t client-certificate-authentication-demo .
  2. docker run -p 443:443 client-certificate-authentication-demo

Then test it with your favorite browser : https://localhost


  • Issue Tracker: github.com/adrienaury/client-certificate-example/issues
  • Source Code: github.com/adrienaury/client-certificate-example/


If you are having issues, please let me know.
You can contact me: adrienaury@gmail.com


The project is licensed under the MIT license.