IOSlides Plus
The goal of iosp is to extend ioslides_presentation mainly using a customized css
The main features are:
)You can install iosp
from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
In Rstudio, create a new Rmd
> From template > IOSlides Plus
The following Rmd
## Slide with columns and boxes
IOSlides Plus extends `ioslides_presentation` and allows to easily create boxes:
### Box 1{.box-4 .bg-red}
Test 1
### Box 2{.box-6 .bg-green}
- line 1
- line 2
### Box 3{.box-6 .bg-blue}
This box has again a width of 6 col: it will be rendered in a new row.
We are able to exit the box, column and row using the keyword `%end%`.
will produce the output:
see example with box_colour
see example with box_colour_gallery