项目作者: Ibaslogic

项目描述 :
A simple Gatsby theme for your services consultancy or Agency.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Ibaslogic/gatsby-theme-agency.git
创建时间: 2020-10-06T01:53:58Z

开源协议:MIT License


Gatsby Theme Agency

Check the Demo Site.

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This step-by-step guide will walk you through adding gatsby-theme-agency to a new Gatsby project.

With the focus on the site features and content, you’ll get a Gatsby theme with three post types – blog, services and testimonial. This is ideal for a simple services consultancy or agency.

This theme also comes configured with the contact form if you are hosting your site on Netlify. All that is required from you is to turn it ON via the configuration file. You will get to that in a moment.

Let’s get started!


Start by creating an empty directory in your preferred location (in my case Desktop) and go inside it

  1. mkdir agency-site && cd agency-site

Next, run the following command to create a package.json file

  1. yarn init y

Then, run the following command to add all required dependencies

  1. yarn add react react-dom gatsby @ibas/gatsby-theme-agency

Updating the Project Structure

Once the installation is complete, open with your text editor and update the project structure so it looks like this:

  1. agency-site
  2. ├── contents
  3. ├── blog
  4. ├── 2020-10-08-my-first-blog-post
  5. ├── images
  6. └── featured.jpg
  7. └── content-image.jpg
  8. └── my-first-blog-post.md
  9. └── 2020-10-09-my-second-blog-post
  10. ├── images
  11. └── featured.jpg
  12. └── content-image.jpg
  13. └── my-second-blog-post.md
  14. ├── services
  15. ├── images
  16. └── react.png
  17. └── html5.png
  18. └── gatsby.png
  19. └── google-analytics.png
  20. └── design.md
  21. └── development.md
  22. └── digital-marketing.md
  23. └── testimonial
  24. ├── images
  25. └── client1-avartar.png
  26. └── client2-avartar.png
  27. └── client3-avartar.png
  28. └── client1.md
  29. └── client2.md
  30. └── client3.md
  31. ├── images
  32. └── client1-logo.png
  33. └── client2-logo.png
  34. └── client3-logo.png
  35. └── client4-logo.png
  36. ├── node_modules
  37. ├── src
  38. └── static
  39. └── fav-icon.png
  40. ├── gatsby-config.js
  41. └── package.json

Adding @ibas/gatsby-theme-agency in the gatsby-config.js

At this point, you should have the gatsby-config.js in the root directory as directed above. If you don’t have it yet, create it.

Then, load the plugin:

  1. module.exports = {
  2. plugins: [
  3. {
  4. resolve: `@ibas/gatsby-theme-agency`,
  5. },
  6. ],
  7. }

Good. Now, you can start creating your site content.

Adding the Blog Posts

Remember, in step 2, we created the entire project structure. For the blog posts, you’ll have something like this:

  1. agency-site
  2. └── contents
  3. └── blog
  4. └── 2020-10-08-my-first-blog-post
  5. ├── images
  6. └── featured.jpg
  7. └── content-image.jpg
  8. └── my-first-blog-post.md

Modify the post path in the contents/blog to reflect yours. In my case, the .md file lives in the 2020-10-08-my-first-blog-post directory.

In the file, add your first blog post so it looks like this:

  1. ---
  2. title: "Deploying Gatsby Site"
  3. description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit."
  4. category: "Development"
  5. datePublished: "2020-08-16 10:31:00"
  6. dateUpdated: "2020-08-16 10:31:00"
  7. featured: "./images/gatsby-deploy.jpg"
  8. tags:
  9. - gatsby
  10. - development
  11. ---
  12. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Veritatis, perferendis eum.
  13. 1. Deserunt ipsam a cumque, in nesciunt facilis obcaecati natus!
  14. ![body image](./images/gatsby-deploy.jpg)

In the same directory, you should have an images folder where you add the necessary images.

Adding the services posts

In the contents/services directory, create your services files. In my case, I have design.md, development.md and digital-marketing.md. I also have images folder that contains all the necessary images.

The structure should look like this:

  1. agency-site
  2. └── contents
  3. └── services
  4. └── images
  5. └── react.png
  6. └── html5.png
  7. └── gatsby.png
  8. └── google-analytics.png
  9. └── design.md
  10. └── development.md
  11. └── digital-marketing.md

Just like the blog post, your markdown files should contain some frontmatter as seen below.

  1. ---
  2. title: "Web Design Services"
  3. description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."
  4. date: "2020-08-27 10:31:00"
  5. cover: ./images/web-design.jpg
  6. tools:
  7. [
  8. { title: "HTML5", image: ./images/html5.png },
  9. { title: "CSS3", image: ./images/css3.png },
  10. ]
  11. faq:
  12. [
  13. {
  14. id: 1,
  15. question: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?",
  16. answer: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.",
  17. },
  18. {
  19. id: 2,
  20. question: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?",
  21. answer: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.",
  22. },
  23. {
  24. id: 3,
  25. question: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?",
  26. answer: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.",
  27. },
  28. ]
  29. ---
  30. Mollitia numquam laudantium illum qui impedit vero iste necessitatibus eaque.
  31. - suscipit facilis tenetur sunt sint modi esse culpa quasi
  32. - recusandae mollitia nihil ullam fugiat minima laboriosam sed voluptatibus.

Make sure you maintain the same structure.

Adding Testimonial posts

This is straight forward. In the contents/testimonial directory, create your files so you have something like this:

  1. agency-site
  2. └── contents
  3. └── testimonial
  4. ├── images
  5. └── client1-avartar.png
  6. └── client2-avartar.png
  7. └── client3-avartar.png
  8. └── client1.md
  9. └── client2.md
  10. └── client3.md

Then, open your .md file and add your testimonial post:

  1. ---
  2. name: "Andrew John"
  3. title: "Chief Marketing Officer, ABC Group"
  4. photo: "./images/ibas_avartar.png"
  5. date: "2020-08-28 10:31:00"
  6. ---
  7. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Dignissimos, molestias?

Don’t forget to add the client picture/avatar in the contents/testimonial/images folder.

Run gatsby develop

Save your files. While in the root of your project, run gatsby develop to start the development server. Once you have a success, head over to the browser address bar and visit localhost:8000 to see your site.

In addition to the contents you’ve added, you’ll also see some of the default data in your project. Let’s go ahead and make changes to the default.

Configuring siteMetadata

Back in the gatsby-config.js, update the file to include the options parameter as seen below. While it is advisable to maintain some of the default options like the content path (since we have created the project structure already in step 2), you’ll want to change the default site content.

Note: You’ll need to restart the site once you make any changes in this file.

  1. module.exports = {
  2. plugins: [
  3. {
  4. resolve: `@ibas/gatsby-theme-agency`,
  5. options: {
  6. blogBasePath: ``, // indicate "/blog" if you want posts URL as "/blog/my-post" or leave empty if you want "/my-post"
  7. blogPostPath: `contents/blog`,
  8. testimonialPath: `contents/testimonial`,
  9. servicesPostPath: `contents/services`,
  10. title: `Business`, // will be the site title
  11. description: `I showcase my expertise in this website`,
  12. siteUrl: `https://ibaslogic.com`,
  13. siteName: `Ibaslogic`,
  14. giHubPostBaseURL: `https://github.com/Ibaslogic/gatsby-site-agency/tree/master/contents/blog/`,
  15. menuLinks: [
  16. { name: `blog`, title: `Blog`, url: `` },
  17. {
  18. name: `services`,
  19. title: `Services`,
  20. url: ``,
  21. },
  22. {
  23. name: `contact`,
  24. title: `Contact Us`,
  25. url: ``,
  26. },
  27. { name: `about`, title: `About Us`, url: `` },
  28. {
  29. name: `testimonials`,
  30. title: `Testimonials`,
  31. url: ``,
  32. },
  33. ],
  34. // Color for menu links
  35. linkMenuColor: { color: "#2d2d2d", hover: "#b2924e" },
  36. // needed for blog post share
  37. twitter: `ibaslogic`,
  38. // for follow
  39. social: [
  40. // icons supported for "instagram" and "googlePlus". Just add the exact name and link here.
  41. { name: `linkedIn`, link: `https://www.linkedin.com/in/ibaslogic` },
  42. { name: `twitter`, link: `https://twitter.com/ibaslogic` },
  43. { name: `github`, link: `https://github.com/ibaslogic` },
  44. { name: `facebook`, link: `https://facebook.com/ibaslogic` },
  45. ],
  46. email: `ibas@ibaslogic.com`,
  47. companyAddress: `XYZ, Sanusi Fafunwa, Victorial Island, Lagos.`,
  48. mobileNumber: `+234 813 9542 386`,
  49. author: `Ibas Majid`,
  50. homePage: {
  51. hero_content: {
  52. headingText: `Web Development Services`,
  53. descriptionText: `For clients who want to ditch the stress of complicated websites and have a modern and user friendly site.`,
  54. buttonText: `contact us`,
  55. typeWriter: [
  56. `Want to take your business and brand to the next level?`,
  57. `Then, you need a user friendly website`,
  58. `<strong><span style="color: #27ae60;">That is why we are here </span></strong>😎`,
  59. `We listen and create an astonish project for our clients`,
  60. `The question is: Are you ready to talk about your project?`,
  61. `Then, go ahead and get in touch`,
  62. ],
  63. homeHero: `home_hero.jpg`, //Important. Specify image file for the home page hero image (e.g home_hero_bg.jpg) and add it in the agency-site/images folder
  64. },
  65. ourClients: {
  66. heading: `Our Clients are awesome! Are you ready to join this amazing list?`,
  67. subHeading: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit facilis tenetur sunt sint modi esse culpa quasi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.`,
  68. images: [
  69. // add clients images in the images folder.
  70. { image: `verizon.png` },
  71. { image: `bosch.png` },
  72. { image: `samsung.png` },
  73. { image: `yamaha_.png` },
  74. { image: `carlson__.png` },
  75. { image: `williams.png` },
  76. ],
  77. },
  78. services: {
  79. arrowText: `learn more`,
  80. headingText: `featured services`,
  81. buttonText: `explore`,
  82. buttonTextLinkTo: `/services`,
  83. },
  84. // testimonial section homepage
  85. testimonial: {
  86. headingText: `words from our clients`,
  87. linkText: `read more`,
  88. buttonText: `all testimonial`,
  89. buttonTextLinkTo: `/testimonials`,
  90. },
  91. },
  92. footerSection: {
  93. consultation: {
  94. heading: `Need a consultation?`,
  95. subHeading: `Then let's talk! We are here to provide you the best service.`,
  96. buttonText: `contact us`,
  97. buttonTextLinkTo: `/contact-us`,
  98. },
  99. },
  100. servicesPage: {
  101. // single page
  102. hero_content: {
  103. buttonText: `start a project`,
  104. },
  105. // listing page
  106. listingPage: {
  107. heading: `At your service`,
  108. subHeading: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit spernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit. Aspernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit`,
  109. },
  110. },
  111. // testimonial page
  112. testimonialPage: {
  113. heading: `Testimonials`,
  114. subHeading: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit spernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit. Aspernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit`,
  115. },
  116. // contact page
  117. contactPage: {
  118. heading: `Let's talk about your project`,
  119. subHeading: `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit spernatur eaque reprehenderit suscipit`,
  120. showContactForm: true, // Not hosting on netlify? set to false. Else, set to true and start receiving submissions in your Netlify site admin panel.
  121. },
  122. },
  123. },
  124. ],
  125. }
Key / Option Type Description
blogBasePath string Default to /. Where blog posts should be served from? Indicate /blog if you want post URL as /blog/my-post or leave empty if you want /my-post
blogPostPath string Default to contents/blog where to store your blog posts
testimonialPath string Default to contents/testimonial. Where to store your testimonial posts
servicesPostPath string Default to contents/services. Where to store your services posts
title string Website title
description string Website description
siteUrl string your website URL e.g https://ibaslogic.com
siteName string Give your site a name
gitHubPostBaseURL string Require. Path to your blog post on GitHub. Necessary for users to edit posts.
menuLinks array Array of objects for the menu where each of the items represents a link
linkMenuColor.color string Default #2d2d2d. Color for menu link
linkMenuColor.hover string Default #b2924e. Hover color for menu link
twitter string Twitter username e.g ibaslogic. Needed for blog post share
social [{name, link}] Add your social link here
email string your email address
companyAddress string Your company address
mobileNumber string Your contact number
author string Name of the site owner
homePage object Contains the homepage information. (From the hero content to client section to services and the testimonial section). Make sure you set homeHero to see the hero content.
servicesPage object Update the content at /services page and the single service post button text.
testimonialPage object Update the heading and subheading of the /testimonial page here
contactPage object Update the heading and subheading of the /contact-us page here. Also, set contactPage.showContactForm to true if you are hosting your site on netlify.
footerSection.consultation object Update the heading, subheading and the button text here.

Restart the gatsby develop.

You should be able to see your site content rendered. Else, create an issue.

Adding Favicon to your Gatsby Site

Stop your dev server and run this command from your root directory:

  1. yarn add gatsby-plugin-manifest

Then add this to your gatsby-config.js:

  1. {
  2. resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
  3. options: {
  4. name: `gatsbytheme`,
  5. short_name: `gatsbytheme`,
  6. start_url: `/`,
  7. background_color: `#663399`,
  8. theme_color: `#663399`,
  9. display: `minimal-ui`,
  10. icon: `src/static/gatsby-icon.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.
  11. },
  12. },

Depending on where you want to save your icon. You can modify the icon path to point to that directory. With the current path as seen above, simply create a src folder in the project root. Inside this folder, create a static folder and place your icon.

Save your file and start the development server.

Component Shadowing

You may want to make changes that are not captured in the gatsby configuration file. For instance, the content of the /about-me is not present in the file. So what can we do?

While we can fork the theme and make necessary changes, Gatsby provides us with a more intuitive way to handle this scenario.

With component shadowing, we can use a naming convention or strategy to tell Gatsby not to render a file that comes with the theme but the one we create in the site project.

It is important to quickly note that this is not restricted to only React component as the name suggest, but any other files like markdown, CSS or JavaScript (.js, JSON etc).

So how does this work?

Say we want to override the content of the /about-me page. First, you have to know where the file is located in the theme.

As you may have known, a Gatsby theme is just like a normal plugin that lives in the node_modules folder. So, to know the file path, go inside the node_modules folder in the root directory and look for the theme. In our case, we will look for @ibas\gatsby-theme-agency.

From this folder, navigate inside the src. There, you’ll find the theme styles, component files and some other files like the .json file.

If you scrutinize the folder, the about-me content is located in the src/contents/aboutMe.json. Open it to see its content and structure.

To override this content, you’ll start by creating a src folder in the root of your project. Inside it, create another folder in the name of the theme and follow the same path as you have it in the node_modules.

In the end, you’ll have:

  1. src/@ibas/gatsby-theme-agency/contents/aboutMe.json

Once you create this file, you can have your content modified. Then, Gatsby will render this file and not the one with the same name in the theme’s src/contents/ directory.

Your site folder structure for a successful shadow of the aboutMe.json should look like this:

  1. agency-site
  2. └── src
  3. └── @ibas\gatsby-theme-agency
  4. └── contents
  5. └── aboutMe.json

Using the same approach, you can shadow any other files including the theme styles.