项目作者: JeffM2501
项目描述 :
Voxel Rendering using UrhoSharp
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/JeffM2501/GridWorld.git
Grid World
An experment in learning voxel rendering. Still very much a work in progress and mostly a learning endevor.
Copyright 2020 Jeffery Myers.
Code is MIT.
Assets are from https://www.kenney.nl/assets and PD.
Language and Librarys
Written in C# (VC2019 .net 4.6.2), using UrhoSharp https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/graphics-games/urhosharp/introduction.
Code should be crossplatform but it has not been tested.
Perlin Noise provided by LibNoise https://github.com/CalmBit/LibNoise.
All dependencies are in Nuget.
- GridWorld is the main library that stores the voxel world
- GWT Test harnes and dynamic loading/unloading code
- 64 bit voxel indexing giving a world space of just under 2000 square lightyears if 1 unit = 1 meter
- Sliding origin to prevent floating point errors
- Supports static worlds or procedural generation (basic perlin for now)
- 16 bit dynamic block type indexes (only index the blocks types and shapes used)
- Multiple shapes including ramps
- Background threaded geometry generation/loading/unloading
- Near/Far geometry load/unload, stale node cleanup
- World Database
- Dynamic Cluster Loading
- 3D Cluster indexes
- Editing
- Strucutres
- Edit Layers
- Network Transmission
- Better Collisions
- Client Cleanup
- Vertex Shaders for fluids
- Mobs
- Triggers
- Block Sub Meshes
- More block types (Thin Verticals, Cutoff Corners, etc…)
- Fancy Procedural Generation