Check Kentix alarm manager
Checks the status of Kentix devices.
, nagaconda
check_kentix -h HOST [-p PORT] [-t TIMEOUT] [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL]
./check_kentix -h <host> \
-w check_kentix::sensor_0::temp=~:25 \
-c check_kentix::sensor_0::temp=~:30 \
-c check_kentix::sensor_0::active=1:
This check would be CRITICAL if one of the following conditions are met:
-The check request fails (wrong IP address, device unavailable, etc.).
-The first sensor's temperature value is above 30.
-The first sensor is not active.
The check would return a WARNING if the temperature value is above 25 unless
one of the CRITICAL conditions were encountered - in which case
the CRITICAL condition takes precedence.