项目作者: jamesbowman

项目描述 :
Forth for the 8051
高级语言: Assembly
项目地址: git://github.com/jamesbowman/8051forth.git
创建时间: 2017-02-26T18:24:48Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


8051forth - Forth for the 8051

Build Status

This is based on CamelForth for the Intel 8051 (c) 1994,1997,1999 Bradford J. Rodriguez:


Brad’s 1999 version uses a DOS assembler, which is a little difficult to find now.
The changes to this project are:

  1. now uses a modified version PJRC’s as31 assembler, included in this project
  2. minor changes to Brad’s code to build with as31
  3. a software emulator based on emu8051, included in this project
  4. regression test using the ANS test suite, CI by Travis
  5. a version tuned for the TI CC1110 SoCs

To rebuild:

  1. make

To run the Forth interactively in the emulator:

  1. $ emu8051/emu generic camel51.hex
  2. 8051 CamelForth v1.6 18 Aug 1999
  3. 1 2 + .
  4. 1 2 + . 3 ok

To run the ANS regression suite:

  1. $ ./confirm generic camel51.hex
  2. Cycles: 491549891, 17555.353 ms

Same for the CC1110 Forth:

  1. ./confirm cc1110 cc0.hex