项目作者: ddauria1

项目描述 :
First website using symfony4
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/ddauria1/personal-website.git
创建时间: 2018-02-21T08:01:09Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Personal Website with Symfony 4

First website with Symfony 4

Reviewed the basic usage of:

  • annotations (wildcards, requirements)

  • custom error pages(visible only on PROD env)

  • debug

  • logger

  • twig (loops, filters)

  • forms

  • session

  • Include PHP package that I built - Charity Widget

To test the custom error pages in your local machine, please update the APP_ENV attribute under .env file to prod.


This project requires the following tailored package:

  1. composer require ddauria1/charity-package

As an example I calling this package in the MainController fuction to display the widget in the homepage.

  1. $charity = new Base();
  2. $charity->getDisplay()