项目作者: denisseai

项目描述 :
Pawmble - Mobile app that helps you find a walking buddy for your best buddy.
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/denisseai/Pawmble.git
创建时间: 2020-07-08T04:31:21Z




Android Studio Mobile App


Emulator used Nexus 6P with API 27

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C13 Capstone Project - Denisse A - Time Classroom

This is the repository for Pawmble - an Ada Developers’ Academy capstone project. The project was built using the tech stack - Android Studio, Firebase database, Kotlin and Firebase authentication. Please follow the links to find project information and installation instructions.

Table of Contents


The problem: Keeping your dog and yourself physically and mentally healthy by going on walks with other dog owners.

The solution: The app Pawmble will help find your next walking buddy (dog owner included) based your preferences.

Use cases

  • This app allows users to find a walking buddy based on your dog’s preference regarding the other dog’s size
  • The user is able to organize a walk via chat with other dog owners only if both have liked their dog’s profile

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Download Android Studio use API 27 with a min SDK of 16
  3. Create Firebase Account for database storage and authentication