项目作者: sambacha
项目描述 :
Vyp4r - ANTLR4 Parser for Vyper Language
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/sambacha/vyp4r.git

an ANTLR4 for Vyper Language
View the Grammar Diagram
This is a fork from the original solidity-antlr4-parser repo, and builds off the Vyper work from @Maurelian. Vyper uses an obtuse parser grammar called stark
(not to be confused with bazel’s dsl).
- antlr4.referencesCodeLens.enabled, boolean (default: false), if true enables the reference count display via Code Lens
- antlr4.customcss, array of string (no default), list of absolute CSS file names for diagrams/graphs
- antlr4.rrd.saveDir, string (no default), default export target folder for railroad (syntax) diagrams
- antlr4.call-graph.saveDir, string (no default), default export target folder for call graphs
- antlr4.atn.saveDir, string (no default), default export target folder for atn graph
- antlr4.atn.maxLabelCount, number (default: 3), max number of labels displayed on a transition in an ATN graph
Parser Generation
This is a settings object named antlr4.generation with the following members:
- mode, string enum (default: “internal”), determines what code generation pattern should be followed:
- none: don’t generate any code, not even for internal use (note: this value will disable grammar debugging)
- internal: allow code generation for internal use (e.g. for full error detection and interpreter data)
- external: generate code also for external use, depending on the other generation options
- outputDir, string (default: undefined), determines the output folder where to place generated code (considered only if mode is set to
) - importDir, string (default: undefined), location to import grammars from (relative to the grammar that is being saved, or an absolute path), used also for internal code generation
- package, string (default: undefined), package/namespace for generated code (used only in external mode)
- language, string (default: “Java”), specifies the target language for the generated code, overriding what is specified in the grammar (used only in external mode)
- listeners, boolean (default: true), also create listeners on code generation (used only in external mode)
- visitors, boolean (default: false), also create visitors on code generation (used only in external mode)
- alternativeJar, string (default: undefined), specifies the ANTLR4 jar to use for generation, instead of the ones shipping with this extension.
- additionalParameters, string (default: undefined), specifies additional parameters to be passed on to the ANTLR4 jar (built-in or custom) during parser generation.
This is a settings object named antlr4.format with the following members:
- alignTrailingComments: boolean (default: false), if true, aligns trailing comments
- allowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: boolean (default: true), allows contracting short blocks to a single line
- breakBeforeBraces: boolean (default: false), when true start predicates and actions on a new line
- columnLimit: number (default: 100), the character count after which automatic line breaking takes place
- continuationIndentWidth: number (default: 4), indentation for line continuation (only used if useTab is false)
- indentWidth: number (default: 4), character count for indentation (if useTab is false)
- keepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: boolean (default: false), if true, empty lines at the start of blocks are kept
- maxEmptyLinesToKeep: number (default: 1), the maximum number of consecutive empty lines to keep
- reflowComments: boolean (default: true), reformat comments to fit the column limit
- spaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: boolean (default: true), enables spaces around operators
- tabWidth: number (default: 4), multiples of this value determine tab stops in a document
- useTab: boolean (default: true), use tabs for indentation (otherwise spaces)
- alignColons: string enum (default: “none”), align colons among rules (scope depends on groupedAlignments)
- none: place the colon directly after the rule name
- trailing: align colons in the alignment group, directly after rule names
- hanging: align the colon on the next line (with the pipe chars)
- singleLineOverrulesHangingColon: boolean (default: true), single line mode overrides hanging colon setting (applies also to alignSemicolons)
- allowShortRulesOnASingleLine: boolean (default: true), allows contracting short rules on a single line (short: < 2/3 of columnLimit)
- alignSemicolons: string enum (default: “none”), determines the alignment of semicolons in rules
- none: no alignment, just put it at the end of the rule directly after the last token
- ownLine: put it on an own line (not indented), unless allowShortRulesOnASingleLine kicks in
- hanging: put it on an own line with indentation (aligning it so to the alt pipe chars)
- breakBeforeParens: boolean (default: false), for blocks: if true puts opening parentheses on an own line
- ruleInternalsOnSingleLine: boolean (default: false), place rule internals (return value, local variables, @init, @after) all on a single line
- minEmptyLines: number (default: 0), determines the number of empty lines that must exist (between rules or other full statements)
- groupedAlignments: boolean (default: true), when true only consecutive lines are considered for alignments
- alignFirstTokens: boolean (default: false), align the first token after the colon among rules
- alignLexerCommands: boolean (default: false), align lexer commands (starting with ->) among rules
- alignActions: boolean (default: false), align action blocks + predicates among rules and alternatives
- alignLabels: boolean (default: true), align alt labels (only when a rule is not on a single line)
- alignTrailers: boolean (default: false), combine all alignments (align whatever comes first: colons, comments etc.)
This is a settings object named antlr4.debug with the following members:
- visualParseTreeHorizontal: boolean (default: true) Determines if parse trees by default use the horizontal layout (when true) or the vertical orientation (when false).
- visualParseTreeClustered: boolean (default: false) When set to true parse trees will align their terminal nodes on a single row or column (depending on the orientation).
Sam Bacha
Original Solidity ANTLR4
Gonçalo Sá (@gnsps)
Federico Bond (@federicobond)