A simple voice assistant.
A Simple voice assistant.
voiceassistant.py is written in python 3 so its REQUIRED
It requires the following packages:
Install dependancy for PyAudio using:
brew install portaudio
Install Python dependancies using the command:
pipenv install
To use the search track feature you must:
Have a Spotify Account.
Go to Spotify’s developer website and create an application.
Navigate to you’re apps dashboard and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
Place Client ID, Client Secret in the respective variables found in voiceassistant:
self.client_id = "Insert Your Key Here."
self.client_secret = "Insert Your Key Here."
Extract and navigate to the zipfile directory and run voiceassistant by executing the main entry point file voiceassistant.py:
python3 voiceassistant.py
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details.