项目作者: Jaishreebala

项目描述 :
Writer's cafe is a MERN stack web application where users can read other people's written works (like novels, stories, etc) or write their own written works by creating an account for others to read.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Jaishreebala/Writers-Cafe.git
创建时间: 2020-11-03T23:47:14Z



Writer’s Cafe

Website Link: https://writers-cafe.herokuapp.com/

Writer’s cafe is a MERN stack web application where users can read other people’s written works (like novels, stories etc) or write their own written works on creating an account for others to read.

Technologies Used:

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

There are many platforms that do the same but Writer’s Cafe comes with some special features:

  • Your writtern work can be public or private. If it’s public anyone can read it. If it’s private only you can read it.
  • You can find authors that live near you, (and connect with them) if they have chosen to share their location.
  • It is integrated with a voice recognition software that converts your speech to text. Instead of typing the content, you can jsut dictate it.
  • Filter stories by their genre and work type.
  • Leave comments and ratings
  • A compelling UI and a great UX :)

Developer Usage

  1. Clone this project from github.
  2. Run this command in the project terminal to install all the dependencies:
    1. npm install
  3. Start the backend server by running the following command in the project terminal.
    1. npm run dev
  4. Navigate to the client folder by running cd client in the project terminal. Run the following command:
    1. npm start
  5. Go to your favourite broswer (please don’t let it be internet explorer) and go to http://localhost:3000 to use the project.
  6. Enjoy! :)

Note: A config.env file has to be created under /db/config, and has to be populated with the required values for the project to run in development environment. For security reasons, this file has been omitted in the source code.
To use this project, make sure you create the file and populate the variables with your own values.