项目作者: OXID-eSales
项目描述 :
OXID eShop Module Certification Tool
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/OXID-eSales/module_certification_tools.git
This tool is for preparing the OXID eShop module certification process. It will help you to check if your module meets
the certification rules and will give you an estimation of the expected certification costs. You can use it to further
optimize your module before actually submitting it.
The following checks are performed:
- Check of module directory structure (are the directories named correctly)
- Check of correct usage of partner prefix (do all classes start with a partner prefix)
- Check for usage of globals (No $_POST,$_GET must be used)
- Check of method length
- Check of code metrics (code coverage, C.R.A.P index, n-path complexity, cyclomatic complexity)
- Calculation of certification cost based on the metrics
The script will generate HTML output that shows the expected certification costs and lists classes/modules that violate
the certification rules.
How to use
Preparing system
On *nix
- Install curl
- run
change to certification tool base directory
edit config.cfg
- define location of module path
- define location of clover.xml file generated by phpunit. If this is empty, the tool will try to execute the unit tests and generate its own clover.xml file
- the CFG_DELETE_OLD_RUNS flag defines, if results from older runs are deleted or not. If NO is set, keep in mind, that each run will add a new result directory
- change CFG_PREFIX to the registered OXID Partner Code
Execute the run.sh
- When starting with -d option, CFG_DELETE_OLD_RUNS from config.cfg is ignored and all old results will be deleted