项目作者: gauravkanojia

项目描述 :
This repository is used for storing and versioning code base for app-coding-exercise.
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/gauravkanojia/app-coding-exercise.git
创建时间: 2017-04-23T12:32:23Z



Project app-coding-exercise

This repository will be used to track and store code base for app-coding-exercise.

This is a Maven-based Spring Boot application, which is used for consuming an API. The docs for the API being consumed are present at this link.


  1. The environment where this project will be run should have Java 8 setup with environment variables.
  2. The environment should have Maven build tool configured for building the project and running the project as Spring-Boot application. This step is important because unless the code is built, the corresponding JAR file will not be present and the application won’t run as a Java JAR or as a Spring-Boot application.

Getting the code

To get the code on your local machine, you can either fork the repository and then clone it, or you can clone this repository using the below command.

  1. git clone https://github.com/gauravkanojia/app-coding-exercise.git

Changes can be pushed through a pull request and will be reviewed before merging them to the main (master) repository.

For Forking this repository, simply click on the Fork button on the top right corner of this page.

Build Process

As this is a Maven-based project, the dependencies and build properties are mentioned in the parent pom.xml file. To build the project, simply run the below command in the parent directory where pom.xml is present.

  1. mvn -U clean install

Above command will build the project for the mentioned dependencies and will package it into a JAR file which can be run as any other Java JAR file.

Running the application

Steps for running the project

Since this is a Spring-Boot project, it can be run in two ways -

  1. To run this project utilizing Spring-Boot feature, simply go to the project directory and run the below command
    1. mvn spring-boot:run
  2. To run this project utilizing the Java JAR file, simply go to the project directory and run the below command from project directory
    1. java -jar target/app-coding-exercise-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Testing Application

Want to check if application is up? Simply paste this URL in browser.
URL - http://localhost:8080/coreapi/test

Expected Output: Your Spring Boot Application is up! Try running other methods. Check README for more details.

Methods List -

  • URL for Getting all transactions

    Operation - GET

    URI - http://localhost:8080/coreapi/getAllTransactions

    cURL command - curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/coreapi/getAllTransactions

  • URL for Getting Average Monthly Expenses and Income

    Operation - GET

    URI - http://localhost:8080/coreapi/getAverages

    cURL command - curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/coreapi/getAverages

  • URL for Ignore Donuts from All Transactions

    Operation - GET

    URI - http://localhost:8080/coreapi/ignoreDonuts

    cURL command - curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/coreapi/ignoreDonuts


The versions mentioned below are oldest to latest.

  • 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Release with getAllTransactions and getAverages methods.
  • 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Release with ignoreDonuts methods.
  • Spring Project Website: Use this link.
  • Consuming a RESTful Web Service: Use this link.


  1. Spring STS has been used to develop this project.
  2. This project was tested as Spring-Boot Application as well as a runnable JAR file.
  3. As the backend API is not consumable through a VPN, please make sure you’re not on any VPN while running the application.
  4. JUnit test classes have not been written for this project.
  5. Have shown documentation framework, Swagger Implementation in some of the model classes.
  6. Reach out to me: gisgaurav@gmail.com