项目作者: localleon

项目描述 :
OctoPrint Exporter for Prometheus written in Golang
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/localleon/octoprint-exporter.git
创建时间: 2019-01-19T11:09:08Z

开源协议:MIT License



Octoprint-Exporter for Prometheus

Simple GoLang-Application that exports Octoprint-Metrics into the Prometheus Format

Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Pulls GitHub issues

This projects tries to create a simple way to integrate your 3D-Printer into your existing Prometheus Monitoring System.It present’s a standardized Prometheus Exporter to query.

To quickly run this application use the docker container localleon/octoprint-exporter on hub.docker.com. Adjust the configs/config-example.yaml file to your needs and run the container with it docker run --net=host -v "$(pwd)"/config.yaml:/bin/config.yaml localleon/octoprint-exporter:latest.


Metrics are exposed under :9112/metrics and start with the prefix “octoprint” . The Metrics are a replicate from the Octoprint REST API.

Most relevant Metrics

  • Temperature
  • PrintTime Stats about current Job
  • Print Progress

The Status of the Printer is represented as Gauge

Prometheus Metric OctoPrint Status
0 Unknown
1 Operational
2 Printing from SD
3 Printing


  • Pull-requests and bug reports wanted !


Currently tested on:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm


Use the provided build.sh with ‘./scripts/build.sh’ or build yourself with ‘go build . -o $BINNAME’

Deploying binarys

You need to provide all binarys with your own config file. An example of the config file can be found in configs/config-example.yaml. Use the flag --config to specify the path to the file.

  1. Ansible
    • Run build.sh to create binarys or download them from the releases page
    • Change host and username in ansible-deploy.yaml (Ansible-Playbook)
    • Run ansible-playbook ./ansible-deploy.yaml (tested on CentOS and Raspbian)
    • Add scrape Job to your prometheus server and you’re done
  2. Docker
    • Clone the Repo and build the provided Dockerfile with docker build -t octoprint-exporter .
    • Deploy your Container with docker run --net=host octoprint-exporter
    • The Container is build with Alpine Linux and is just 17.5MB in size
  3. Do it yourself
    • Copy the binary and the example-config file to your remote server
    • Copy the systemd-service file to /etc/systemd/system/
    • Use systemctl to enable the Service

Credits / Libarys used


Copyright localleon(c) 2019

This project is MIT Licensed