项目作者: aeternity

项目描述 :
Official blockchain explorer for Aeternity Blockchain
高级语言: Vue
项目地址: git://github.com/aeternity/aepp-blockchain-explorer.git
创建时间: 2018-01-18T16:25:01Z



Waffle.io - Issues in progress

æternity Blockchain Explorer


This is an explorer for the æternity blockchain. Here is the github repository.

The underlying API is currently being developed and improved. The Explorer is designed to work with the latest features of æternity and æpp-middleware.


We are workin on the next version and the designs are available here. We are looking for input on what data we should show, and would appreciate your voice. Feel free to open a ticket and mark it with the proposal label


  • View a generation, key blocks, micro blocks and transactions
  • View the list of generations from the latest all the way back to the genesis block
  • View list of transactions for each generation, micro block
  • View an account and see its balance
  • Search for accounts by public key
  • Search for blocks, generation, transaction by their hash and by their position in the blockchain
  • View æternity token market exchange rates via coingecko.com api

Build Setup

The node api url can be configured from .env file or environment variable VUE_APP_NODE_URL.

  1. # install dependencies
  2. npm install
  3. # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
  4. npm run serve
  5. VUE_APP_NODE_URL='https://roma-net.mdw.aepps.com/' npm run serve
  6. # build for production with minification
  7. VUE_APP_NODE_URL='https://roma-net.mdw.aepps.com/' npm run build
  8. # build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
  9. npm run build --report