项目作者: WEEFAA

项目描述 :
MERN Stack boiler plate
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/WEEFAA/mern-boiler-plate.git
创建时间: 2019-07-01T11:51:45Z

开源协议:MIT License


MERN Stack Boiler Plate

a simple pre-configured mern project


Using your terminal, clone this repo by doing this

  1. git clone https://github.com/WEEFAA/mern-boiler-plate.git <optional_name>

name your own project by inserting the name on optional_name without brackets.
This is optional, don’t include (omit) optional_name on the command if you don’t want to

default project folder name mern-boiler-plate


Once you’re done cloning the repo, navigate to the project folder, see command below. If you didn’t specify your optional_name,mern-boiler-plate will be the default project folder name.

  1. cd <name_of_your_project_folder> && npm run setup

This command will directly install all the project dependencies. It will take time to install all dependencies, be patient.


After all the dependencies are installed, you can easily run your app by…

  1. npm run app

easy as that!


Add your own .env file at the root of your project directory to override
the configuration of your server. Look at the contents of your server file to see
some of the environment variables used.

npm run app runs your client & server code simultaneously | concurrently