A application used to track the daily symptoms of healthcare patients
An express-sequelize-passport app that allows the user to track certain symptoms for trending.
If you want to set up your own instance of this app, please follow the following steps.
git clone git@github.com:diuguide/symptom_tracker.git
…or clone using https.
git clone https://github.com/diuguide/symptom_tracker.git
run npm i
in the cloned repository’s root directory to install the node module dependencies.
In the config.json file, update the “development” password & database name to match your local mysql server information. You may need to create your database if this is the first time setting up a local instance of this app, in which case, make sure the database name you create matches the one you add to the config.json file.
Start the server by running node server.js
or nodemon server.js
. If everything worked correctly, you should be able to see the landing page when navigating to
To use the app, navigate to https://symptomtracker2.herokuapp.com please follow the following steps.
Create an account with your email and a strong password on the signup form. You will be automatically redirected to the user homepage upon account creation.
Click the Daily Check-In
link and fill out the form to submit your first day of symptom data. You can update the data entered by simply filling out the form and resubmitting.
Click the Export Data
link to download a copy of all your submitted data to a csv file.
Any data you have provided over the past 7 days will be displayed to you in a convenient table below the maroon jumbotron. A cyan block indicates you reported having that symptom on that day. Click the Note
button to see that day’s note in a modal.
Click the Logout
link to logout of the app and be returned to the landing page.
To log back in, simply enter the information on the login form you provided during signup to access your account again.
Your contribution is most welcome! Please refer to the contributing guidelines when making contributions to this project.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By Participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
npm test
performs ESlint to ensure our coding best practices are followed.
Please direct any and all questions to any of the contributors of this project.
MIT copyright (c) 2020 Everett Diuguid, Thaddeus Cole, Summer Healey.