项目作者: YMC-GitHub
项目描述 :
run vue app ssr production with express (ssr mode)
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/YMC-GitHub/vue-ssr-pro-with-express.git
vue app production with express (ssr mode)
project diretory constructor
get detail here
some important deps for csr production
- express (use express framework)
- express.router (use route help you?)
- serve-static (use static file serve)
- serve-favicon (to quickly use favicon)
- morgan (use log for serve?)
- compression (use zlip to compress)
- lru-cache (mirco cache sth.)
- connect-multiparty (support multi middleware?)
- cookie-parser (parse cookie header and bind to req.cookies ?)
- body-parser (parse req body for json , urlencoded ?)
- moment (date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates?)
some config
01.where the host is? config
02.which port will use? config
03.where the html file to serve? config
04.what is the name of html files? config
05.where the static file to serve? config
some command
# install dependencies
npm install # or yarn install
# serve in production mode
npm start
yemiancheng ymc-github@gmail.com
eteplus eterplus@gmail.com