项目作者: billkabanga

项目描述 :
Python version of StackOverflow
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/billkabanga/StackOverflow_Lite.git
创建时间: 2018-08-27T13:36:12Z



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This is a python version of StackOverflow. A platform for questions and answers.It allows users to post questions and answers respectively.Users can also read different questions and their answers.

Getting started

The following instructions will help you setup and run the application on your machine.


You will need the following:

Project Functionality.

  • User can create an sign-up and Login.
  • User can search for questions.
  • User can post a question.
  • User can post an answer to a question.
  • User can delete his/her question

Getting the application on the local machine.

Clone the remote repository to you local machine using the following command: https://github.com/billkabanga/StackOverflow_Lite.git

You can now access the project on your local machine by pointing to the local repository using cd and code . if using Visual Studio code.
Create a virtual environment in the local repository using the following code: python -3 -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment: env/Scripts/Activate.bat

Installing dependencies.

To install all the required extensions for project, use the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the psql command interface and create two databases apptest_db and StackOverflow-lite using the CREATE DATABASE {database name} command.
Application should now be up and ready to test.

Running tests:

Testing the API endpoints.
Run the run.py file using the py run.py command and test the endpoints in Postman as shown below:

url/endpoint Verb Action Parameters
/api/v1/auth/signup POST User gets registered username,email,password
/api/v1/auth/login POST User login username,password
/api/v1/questions GET fetch all questions -
/api/v1/questions/ GET fetch specific question
/api/v1/questions POST post a question question
/api/v1/questions//answers POST answer specific question answer
/api/v1/questions/ DELETE delete a question

Running the unit tests
To run the unit tests use the following command pytest

Built with:

API endpoints

  • Python 3
  • Flask
  • Flask-restful
  • PostgreSQL


Author of this project-Twinomuhwezi Kabanga Bill,
a young aspiring software developer utilising each day as one to learn and provide solutions to world problems.