项目作者: FIDATA

项目描述 :
Base plugins for Gradle projects and plugins developed by FIDATA
高级语言: Groovy
项目地址: git://github.com/FIDATA/gradle-base-plugins.git
创建时间: 2017-10-26T17:16:26Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0



Build Status

Plugins to configure Gradle to build projects (including
other Gradle pluging) developed by FIDATA.
They provide reasonable defaults and sane environment
for all our projects.

These plugins are highly opinionated and for internal use only.
They are not to be published to Maven Central or Gradle Plugins portal.
However, you are free to fork, modify or use it as an example
according to LGPL v3.0+ license.

If you are contributing to other FIDATA plugins the best choice is
to join FIDATA organization
and use all available infrastructure
including our Artifactory repository
where these plugins live.

org.fidata.project plugin

General, language-agnostic project.


Basic build lifecycle is assemblecheckrelease.

assemble, check and, also, clean tasks are provided by applied
lifecycle-base plugin.

release task is provided by applied de.gliderpilot.semantic-release

Prerequisites Lifecycle

Dependency Resolution

  • Adds Maven repository hosted on FIDATA Artifactory

    For releases, it is always -release repository, so releases
    cannot have snapshot dependencies.
    Otherwise it is -snapshot repository, so snapshot versions
    could be used during development (but won’t by default - see below).

  • Turns off changing modules caching, so that SNAPSHOT dependencies
    are updated on each run

  • Configures dependency resolution changing Ivy status
    from release to milestone for artifacts
    having pre-release labels in version

  • Adds property status to each ExternalModuleDependency instance.
    It should be used to configure desired status of dependency.
    By default all dependencies are resolved to releases, even
    if you use version ranges.
    If you want to get bleeding edge SNAPSHOT version you could use
    this property, like this:

    1. dependencies {
    2. compile('com.example:next-generation-library:[1, 2[').status = 'integration'
    3. }

    Of course, if there is more recent release
    with appropriate version then it will be used
    instead of old SNAPSHOT.

    Custom status schemes are not supported.


Code Quality

  • Provides lint task

    check task depends on all Test tasks and new lint task.

  • Applies codenarc plugin

  • Provides codenarc and pmd tasks that run all PMD and CodeNarc
    tasks respectively.

    Includes these tasks in execution list for lint task.

  • Provides codenarcBuildSrc task for build.gradle itself
    and accompanying Groovy scripts

  • Sets default configuration for all codenarc tasks

    Adds disabledRules property to each task, so that specific rules
    could be disabled per task.

Artifacts Publishing

  • Applies signing plugin

    By default, Java-based implementation of PGP is used. Secret keyring
    should be placed at GnuPG home in secring.gpg file.

    If you want to use GnuPG for signing,
    properties for this are already set.
    Switch can be made with signing.useGpgCmd() .

  • Provides read-only isRelease and changeLog project properties
    for working with semantic release

  • Provides publicReleases project property used by other plugins

    Setting it to true turns on all public-release tasks: publishing
    artifacts to Maven Central, JCenter and so on.

    By default it is false.


  • Provides read-only project properties:

    • reportsDir
    • htmlReportsDir
    • xmlReportsDir
    • jsonReportsDir
    • txtReportsDir
  • Applies and configures reporting-base plugin

    Redirects all reports to build/reports/<format> directory.

    Known limitation: gradle --profile reports are not redirected.
    They stay in build/reports/profile directory for now.
    See https://github.com/FIDATA/gradle-base-plugins/issues/1

Build Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

  • Applies plugins:

  • Provides inputsOutputs task which generates reports about all task
    file inputs and outputs

All these tasks are put into Diagnostics group.

Other features

  • Applies and configures com.jfrog.artifactory plugin

    Allows us to publish artifacts and build info to FIDATA Artifactory .

  • Sets project’s group to org.fidata if it hasn’t been set already

  • Provides license property used by other plugins

    It should be set with SPDX license identifier .

  • Provides generateChangelog and generateChangelogTxt tasks
    that generate changelog in Markdown and text formats
    in build/changelog directory

    The main usage is to check generated changelog
    during release preparation to make sure that everything is correct.

  • Provides tags property used by other plugins

  • Applies nebula.contacts plugin

    Provides contacts extension.

Git Workflow

Earlier in the history
we tried to use GitFlow. But it didn’t work out well.
GitHub doesn’t support fast-forward merges. So, there was a big mess
each time we merged from develop to master.
Also, this led to unnecessary rebuilds on Jenkins.

Our current workflow resembles GitHub workflow
and OneFlow.

  • We make all development in feature/… and hotfix/… branches,
    and maybe branches with some other prefixes

  • All work is merged to master via PRs with merge commits

  • master should be release-able any time.
    But actual releases are manually triggered.
    Gradle’s release task will make a release
    only when shouldRelease project property is passed
    and set to true.
    This could be done from command line,
    like ./gradlew release -PshouldRelease=true,
    of manually via parameter of Jenkins build.

  • We don’t have develop branch with the same purpose as in GitFlow.
    But we can use develop branch for general/various improvements
    when there is no unique feature or hotfix to describe changes.
    In this case we merge PR with rebase merging

  • We don’t use release branches
    and don’t support several major/minor releases simultaneously

buildSrc projects

Plugin can be applied to buildSrc projects.
However, buildSrc projects can’t have releases and documentation,
so all related features are turned off.
They also don’t publish build info to Artifactory.

They could have code quality and diagnostic tasks, but usage of them
is discouraged. Note that all buildSrc’s Gradle and Groovy scripts
are already covered by codenarcBuildSrc task.

Project gets isBuildSrc read-only property which will be set to true
when buildSrc project is detected.

Supported tools versions:

  • Requires Gradle >= 5.1

  • Built and tested with JDK 8

  • Requires GnuPG >= 2.1

    gpg-agent should have allow-preset-passphrase option turned on
    if GPG key with passphrase is used.
    It is usually achieved by adding this string
    into gpg-agent.conf file in GPG home directory.

    gpg-preset-passphrase should be available in the path.

org.fidata.base.jvm plugin

Project which uses JVM-based language.
This plugin should not be applied manually.

Applies org.fidata.project plugin,
and also:

  • Applies java-base
    and java-library

  • Provides jvm extension.
    This extension has one property javadocLinks.

    It contains links to external documentation
    used by javadoc and groovydoc.
    If a dependency is added automatically, its documentation is also
    added here automatically.
    Otherwise, you add link manually, like this:

    1. jvm.javadocLinks['com.example.super.cool.external.library'] = uri('https://example.com/javadoc/com/example/super.cool.external.library/1.0/')
  • Adds mavenJava publication (except when org.fidata.plugin
    is applied)


  • Adds JUnit dependency
    to testImplementation configuration

  • Adds and configures functionalTest source set and task
    which uses Spock framework

    Also adds
    Spock Reports.

    JUnit is also available whenever Spock is.

Artifact Publishing

  • Applies maven-publish plugin

    Configures Maven publication to Artifactory.

    If publicReleases is on — configures publication to Maven Central.

  • If publicReleases is on — applies com.jfrog.bintray plugin
    and configures publication to JCenter

Code Quality

  • Provides findbugs and jdepend tasks that run all FindBugs
    and JDepend tasks respectively.

    Includes these tasks in execution list for lint task.

Other features

  • Adds license file(s) into JAR META-INF directory

org.fidata.project.java plugin

Java language project.

Applies org.fidata.base.jvm plugin,
and also:

  • Applies

  • Applies io.franzbecker.gradle-lombok plugin providing
    Lombok for Java sources

  • Configures javadoc to parse sources through Delombok first

  • Adds javadoc output to GitHub Pages publication

  • Provides checkstyle task that run all Checkstyle tasks.

    Includes this task in execution list for lint task.

org.fidata.base.groovy plugin

Project which uses Groovy language.
This plugin should not be applied manually.

Applies org.fidata.base.jvm plugin,
and also:

org.fidata.project.groovy plugin

Groovy language project.

Applies org.fidata.base.groovy plugin,
and also:

  • Applies groovy plugin

  • Adds local Groovy to api configuration

  • Adds groovydoc output to GitHub Pages publication

org.fidata.plugin plugin

Gradle plugin project.

This plugin depends on at least one of JVM-based project plugins:

or others developed later.

They have to be applied manually depending on the language(s)
used in the project.


Should be provided in standard Gradle ways .

PropertyRequiring PluginUsageNotes
artifactoryUser org.fidata.projectGetting build tools and dependencies from Artifactory; use Gradle cache
artifactoryPassword It is actually API key
gitUsername Git push during release
ghToken Create release on GitHub
gpgKeyId Sign artifacts, git commits and git tags
gpgKeyPassphrase Not required. Assumes no passphrase if not provided
mavenCentralUsernameorg.fidata.base.jvm for public releasesRelease to Bintray
bintrayUser org.fidata.base.jvm for public releasesRelease to Bintray
gradlePluginsKey org.fidata.plugin for public releasesRelease to Gradle Plugins portal

All properties except gpgKeyPassphrase are required. The plugin
won’t work if they are not set.

Multi-project Builds (a.k.a Monorepo)

These plugins supports multi-project builds
in the following configuration:

  1. All child projects have the same version as the root one.
    This is the limitation
    imposed by de.gliderpilot.semantic-release plugin.

  2. org.fidata.project should be applied to root. It applies itself
    to each subproject

  3. de.gliderpilot.semantic-release and org.ajoberstar.git-publish
    plugins are applied to root only.

  4. The following properties are available for root project only:

    • isBuildSrc
    • isRelease
    • changeLog
    • changeLogTxt
    • issuesUrl
    • vcsUrl

    Except these, all other is configurable per project.

    Note that subprojects can have different licenses,
    and license file(s) (being included in JARs) are per project.

  5. Reports for all subprojects are redirected
    to build/reports/<format>/<subproject> directory.
    This is made for convenient usage under CI (Jenkins)


This is self-applying plugin. That means that build script requires
the plugin itself (just compiled, not released to the repository).
So, if there are any errors during compilation or plugin applying,
Gradle build script just doesn’t work.
If it is a compilation error, you can run ../gradlew build
in buildSrc directory to figure out what’s going on.

Upgrading Gradle Version

Whenever new Gradle version is released, the way to upgrade is this:

  1. Read Release Notes and make necessary changes to the code
  2. Run ./gradlew stutterWriteLock
  3. Run ./gradlew compatTest<new Gradle version>
  4. Change Gradle version for wrapper task in plugin code
  5. Run ./gradlew wrapper && ./gradlew wrapper

If a new version of a plugin won’t be compatible
with previous Gradle versions:

  1. Update ProjectPlugin.GRADLE_MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_VERSION value
  2. Run ./gradlew stutterWriteLock
  3. Update required Gradle version in this README file

Copyright © Basil Peace

This file is part of gradle-base-plugins.

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
without any warranty.