Ship moodle logs in Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF) to Graylog or other GELF compatible backends.
Logstore plugin for moodle to ship logs to graylog or other log backends which supports the GELF format.
This plugin requires that you have a working Graylog node.
Graylog can be downloaded for free from
Transport protocols TCP and UDP are supported.
Log timestamp in Graylog is directly taken from moodle log entry’s timecreated. Useful when importing logs from moodle to graylog in a live moodle installation.
The array in other
column in standard logstore is sent as a JSON string as of now. Users can use the “JSON Extractor” feature of Graylog in the other
field to store them as separate fields in Graylog.
Please use Github Issues for bug reports, feature requests and send code contributions as Github Pull Requests.
in your moodle installation.This plugin can operate in two modes, just like the splunk logstore plugin.
Heavily inspired by the splunk logstore at Thanks Skylar Kelty!
This plugin uses composer to manage dependencies and is currently dependent on the composer package graylog2/gelf-php which is, in turn, dependent on psr/log. These dependencies are included with the release archive but not maintained in git.