🌐 TypeScript WebSockets library.
TypeScript WebSocket wrapper with disconnection handling and JSON parsing.
Are you a React.js user? You might be interested in the useTypeSocket React hook.
Used in filedrop-web and whiteboard-web.
API is mostly stable. It may change in the future, but the changes shouldn’t be breaking.
TypeSocket is available on npm, you can install it with either npm or yarn:
npm install typesocket
# or:
yarn install typesocket
const socket = new TypeSocket<MessageModel>(url, {
maxRetries: 10,
socket.on('connected', () => {
type: 'ping',
socket.on('message', (message: MessageModel) => {
socket.on('disconnected', () => {
I use TypeSocket with Redux and Redux-Saga like this:
export const socketMiddleware = (url: string) => {
return (store: MiddlewareAPI<any, any>) => {
const socket = new TypeSocket<MessageModel>(url);
socket.on('connected', () =>
store.dispatch({ type: ActionType.WS_CONNECTED }),
socket.on('disconnected', () =>
store.dispatch({ type: ActionType.WS_DISCONNECTED }),
socket.on('message', message =>
store.dispatch({ type: ActionType.WS_MESSAGE, value: message }),
return (next: (action: any) => void) => (action: any) => {
if (
action.type &&
action.type === ActionType.WS_SEND_MESSAGE &&
socket.readyState === 1
) {
return next(action);
You can attach event listeners to an instance of TypeSocket
with .on
socket.on('message', message => {
Emitted when a connection gets established.
Emitted when the socket is disconnected.
Emitted when the socket is permanently disconnected, for example:
is called.Emitted when a valid message is received.
The only argument contains an object of type T
with a deserialized message.
Emitted when an invalid message is received.
The only argument contains an object of type string | ArrayBuffer
with a raw message.
Emitted when any message is received.
The only argument contains an object of type string | ArrayBuffer
with a raw message.
Emitted when a binary message (with an ArrayBuffer) is received.
The only argument contains an object of type ArrayBuffer
on(eventType: 'message', listener: (message: T) => void);
on(eventType: 'rawMessage' | 'invalidMessage', listener: (message: string | ArrayBuffer) => void);
on(eventType: 'binaryMessage', listener: (message: ArrayBuffer) => void);
on(eventType: 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'permanentlyDisconnected', listener: () => void);
off(eventType: 'message', listener: (message: T) => void);
off(eventType: 'rawMessage' | 'invalidMessage', listener: (message: string | ArrayBuffer) => void);
on(eventType: 'binaryMessage', listener: (message: ArrayBuffer) => void);
off(eventType: 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'permanentlyDisconnected', listener: () => void);
constructor(private url: string, options?: TypeSocketOptions);
send(data: T);
sendRaw(data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView);
get readyState();