Library to enable image cropping
Js Library to enable image cropping with built in UI(with color customization options to fit look and feel of you website/web app)
npm i js-crop
<script type:"text/javascript" src="src/js-crop.js"></script>
<script type:"text/javascript" src="src/js-crop.min.js"></script>
new jsCrop('selector', (Image element or upload button selector/s refer to querySelector and querySelectorAll)
extButton : (optional,extension which adds button after save image button)
buttonText : string, (Optional, text for button)
buttonTitle : string, (Optional, title for button)
buttonCSS : string, (Optional, additional styling for extension button)
callBack : function, (Required, callback function which is passed blob of cropped image, on button click )
customColor : (Optional,Js object conataining options for UI color customization)
overlayBgColor : string, (Optional, background color for overlay)
toolbarBgColor : string, (Optional, background color for toolbar)
buttonBgColor :string, (Optional, background color for buttons)
buttonFontColor : string, (Optional, font color for button)
imageType:string,(optinal,cropped image type,either jpeg or png)
imageQuality: number,(opaitional, cropped image quality range 0 to 1);
saveButton:boolean (optional, set false to hide save button)
[ (Array of one or multiple button objects like one below ☟)
{ (Object with button properties)
buttonText : string, (Optional, text for button)
buttonTitle : string,(Optional, title for button)
relParam : any,(Optional, any data type to be relayed back to callback function as second parameter)
buttonEvent : event, (Optional, event to attach button for callback default click, refer to "addEventListener" events)
buttonCSS : string, (Optional, additinal styling for button)
callBack : function,(required, callback function for button, which gets image blob as first parameter and relParam as second )
*parameter 1 (required) : selector for images to be cropped, one or multiple
*parameter 2 (optional): object to modify UI look and functionalities and develop library extension
*parameter 3 (optional): Array which contains objects for one or multiple buttons
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
👤 ujw0l
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