Terraform Plan to build a custom VM on GCP with Nested Virtualization
The Devops Team use this terraform plan to provision GCP with a CI/CD to test allspark.
This demonstrates the provisioning of a single compute VM(2vCPU/7.5Go
) in GCP inside a custom created VPC with firewall rules attached to it.
$ terraform init
This will create the terraform.tfstate
$ terraform plan -var 'project-name=mykey' -var 'vmcount=mykey' -var 'region=mykey' -var 'instance-name=mykey' -var 'subnetwork-region=mykey' -var 'network=mykey' -var 'vm_type=mykey' -var 'os=mykey'
$ terraform apply -var 'project-name=mykey' -var 'vmcount=mykey' -var 'region=mykey' -var 'instance-name=mykey' -var 'subnetwork-region=mykey' -var 'network=mykey' -var 'vm_type=mykey' -var 'os=mykey'
Variable | Value - Sample | Description |
project-name | $GCP_PROJECT-Name | Name of your GCP project |
vmcount | 1 | Number of VM that you want to provision |
region | See Appendix | Name of the GCP regions |
instance-name | AllSpark-foo-1 | Name given to your instance |
network | allspark-network | Name of your VPC |
subnetwork-region | See Appendix | Name of the subnetwork of your VPC |
vm_type | See Appendix | The size of the VM you want to provision |
os | See Appendix | The Operating System you want to provision |
image-name | actiniumimg | |
disk-name | actiniumdisk |
Operating System | GCP name |
CentOS 7 - Release 7.5.1804 | centos-7-v20180815 |
$ gcloud compute images list
You can found all the Google Cloud Plartform Region on this Here
Region | GCP Subnetwork Region | GCP Zone | GCP Region |
belgium | europe-west1 | b / c / d | europe-west1-d |
london | europe-west2 | a / b / c | europe-west2-a |
frankfurt | europe-west3 | a / b / c | europe-west3-a |
netherlands | europe-west4 | a / b / c | europe-west4-a |
finland | europe-north1 | a / b / c | europe-north1-a |
All Region : 24vCPU
Each Region: 8vCPU
VM Type | GCP Type |
2vCPU / 7.5 Go | n1-standard-2 |
$ gcloud compute machine-types list | grep europe-west1
$ gcloud compute machine-types list | grep europe-west2
$ gcloud compute machine-types list | grep europe-west3
$ gcloud compute machine-types list | grep europe-west4
$ gcloud compute machine-types list | grep europe-north1