Blazing Fast & Minimalist Blog Hugo Themes for Developer
Cereus Pro is a Hugo Theme based on custom cactus theme by nodejs called Cactus Plus. Just 143KB and 100/100 Performance Test!
Visit Demo and run performance test.
Cereus Pro come from Cactus-Plus with lot of changes in Readability, Accesibility, and Performances.
This theme has been tested with some various testing tools like gmetrix, pingdoom, pagespeed and lighthouse plugin.
To see your site in action, fork/clone this repo to and run Hugo’s built-in local server.
$ hugo serve
then point your browser address bar to localhost localhost:1313
Cereus Pro is a well-design theme for developer. I brought Cactus-Plus features by nodejh such as Stackoverflow cards, github activity plus added wakatime for coding activity.
Use the about page to introduce yourself to your visitors. You can customize the github activity by change to your username.
This page is inspired by Derek Sivers. Use this page to tell visitor about what are you doing right now. You can customize the wakatime share embed link to point to your wakatime activity. Read more about wakatime
This theme features a comment system powered by Disqus too. Just add your Disqus-shortname to the config.toml and let readers respond to your blog posts.
You can add a social link panel in the footer by adding entries to the social block in the config.toml. You can choose between two icon fonts:
Found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know. Or directly make a pull request.
Please create a separate branch for your pull request.
Because the original themes is cactus, So I took one named that have same family with cactus. The genus Cereus was one of the first cactus genera to be described; the circumscription varies depending on the authority.
This theme is released under the [MIT License]