Clean and simple responsive theme for Hugo with complete separation of html content and css classes.
Ronu is a clean and simple responsive theme for hugo. Generates beautifully formatted plain html without using any css classes, thanks to Sakura - A classless css framework.
Live demo :
The uncluttered user interface (and clean code) makes it a delight to work with, focussing on the most important aspect - The Content.
To install Ronu as your default theme, first clone this repository in the themes/
$ git clone
From the root of your site, execute:
git submodule add themes/ronu-hugo-theme
Second, specify ronu-hugo-theme
as your default theme in the config.toml
file. Just add the line
theme = "ronu-hugo-theme"
at the top of the file.
First include the following configuration in the config file:
# Site settings
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "MySiteTitle"
theme = "ronu-hugo-theme"
# By default Hugo assumes the section with most pages as the main section. This is configurable, like so:
mainSections = ["post"]
Ronu includes some customizable options, applied via the config file.
Create a list of menu item links in the nav bar by assigning “menu.main” in the front matter, like so:
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "Blog"
url = "/blog/"
weight = 2
Inform your audience about your social presense in the footer, like so:
name = "Your Name"
twitterURL = ""
linkedinURL = ""
email = ""
‘description’ is used in site heading and the meta info headers in the generated html, configurable as:
description = "Your awesome site description"
Ronu supports Automatic dark/light mode based on system preference.
Ronu theming is based on Sakura color scheme.
Files with reference values are available in the above link.
To apply a particular theme, copy the css of your choice into the css directory and include it in the partial head.html
Google Analytics can be enabled by assigning your tracking code to the googleAnalytics
variable in the config file:
googleAnalytics = "Your tracking code"
Deepak Karanth
Contributions are welcome and I will review and consider pull requests.
Primary goals are:
Open sourced under the MIT license.