项目作者: willhughes11
项目描述 :
Udacity Android Kotlin Development Layouts and Navigation Project
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/willhughes11/ShoeInventoryApp.git
The Shoe Store
This project will consist of five screens. You don’t have to create a shoe store, you can use any other item as long as you create the following screens. You will be creating:
- Login screen: Email and password fields and labels plus create and login buttons
- Welcome onboarding screen
- Instructions onboarding screen
- Shoe Listing screen
- Shoe Detail screen for adding a new shoe
Getting Started
Open the starter project in the latest stable version of Android Studio.
Open the starter project in Android Studio
Open the starter project in Android Studio
Add the navigation libraries to the app build.gradle file
Add the safe-arg plugin to the main and app build.gradle file
Create a new navigation xml file
Create a new Login destination.
- Include email and password labels
- Include email and password fields
- Create buttons for creating a new login and logging in with an existing account
- Clicking either button should navigate to the Welcome Screen.
Create a new Welcome screen destination that includes:
- A new layout
- At least 2 text views
- A navigation button with actions to navigate to the instructions screen
Create a new Instruction destination that includes:
- A new layout
- At least 2 text views
- A navigation button with actions to navigate to the shoe list screen
Create a class that extends ViewModel
- Use a LiveData field that returns the list of shoes
Create a new Shoe List destination that includes:
- A new layout
- A ScrollView
- A LinearLayout for Shoe Items
- A FloatingActionButton with an action to navigate to the shoe detail screen
In MainActivity, setup the nav controller with the toolbar and an AppBarConfiguration.
Create a new Shoe Detail destination that includes:
- A new layout
- A TextView label and EditView for the
- Shoe Name
- Company
- Shoe Size
- Description
- A Cancel button with an action to navigate back to the shoe list screen
- A Save button with an action to navigate back to the shoe list screen and add a new Shoe to the Shoe View Model
Make sure you can’t go back to onboarding screens
In the Shoe List screen:
- Use an Activity level ViewModel to hold a list of Shoes (use by activityViewModels)
- Observe the shoes variable from the ViewModel
- Use DataBindingUtil to inflate the shoe_list layout
- Add a new layout item into the scrollview for each shoe.