项目作者: Nushrat-Nishi
项目描述 :
Point Of Sale
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/Nushrat-Nishi/pos.git

Point Of Sale (POS)
POS is a web based software, developed using the RESTful pattern. Spring Boot Framework is used here. It can be used in any shop as a system to track all the products information and to buy and sell the products.
The users can have the following facilities by this software:
Limitation of current version
- Payment system hasn’t been added.
- Buying and selling vouchar hasn’t been added yet.
- Only shop owner can use it now. For the client side view will be added.
- Virtual shopping cart will be added to add products for the clients.
Webshop uses:
- Spring Boot Framework
- Hibernate
- Thymeleaf
- Bootstrap
- You need to have java installed in your system.
- Install mysql
- Install spring boot
- Install maven - sudo apt install maven
- Install Lombok
Getting Started!
git clone https://github.com/Nushrat-Nishi/pos
cd pos
- Change the user name & Password in pos/src/main/resources/application.properties file according to your database.
mvn spring-boot:run
API Documentation
After login, the user can see the following menus:
- Home - This is the home page.
- All Products - User can see all the product list in this page. User can also delete any product, edit any product information, buy or sell any product.
- Registration - User can register any new user in this page.
- Add Product - User can add any new product in the system in this page.
- Add Stock - User can add information about how much of any particular product are there in the stock and also other information here.