Temporary file hosting and sharing.
or the shell script)
Usage: dropit [OPTIONS] --threshold <THRESHOLDS> --origin-size-sum <ORIGIN_SIZE_SUM> --origin-file-count <ORIGIN_FILE_COUNT> --global-size-sum <GLOBAL_SIZE_SUM> <--ip-origin|--username-origin>
-v, --verbose... Increase logs verbosity (Error (default), Warn, Info, Debug, Trace)
-u, --uploads-dir <UPLOADS_DIR> Upload files directory path (relative) [default: uploads]
-U, --no-uploads-dir-creation Disable upload files directory automatic creation (if missing)
-d, --database <DATABASE> Metadata database path (relative) [default: dropit.db]
-D, --no-database-creation Disable metadata database automatic creation (if missing)
-a, --address <ADDRESS> HTTP listening address [default:]
-p, --port <PORT> HTTP listening port [default: 8080]
-R, --behind-reverse-proxy Use X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host to determine uploads' origin
-t, --threshold <THRESHOLDS> Relations between files' sizes and their durations. Must be ordered by increasing size and decreasing duration
-o, --ip-origin Use usernames as uploaders' identities
-O, --username-origin Use IP addresses as uploaders' identities
-s, --origin-size-sum <ORIGIN_SIZE_SUM> Cumulative size limit from the same uploader
-c, --origin-file-count <ORIGIN_FILE_COUNT> Number of files limit from the same uploader
-S, --global-size-sum <GLOBAL_SIZE_SUM> Cumulative size limit from all users
--auth-upload Protect upload endpoint with authentication
--auth-download Protect download endpoint with authentication
-C, --credential <CREDENTIALS> Static list of credentials
--ldap-address <LDAP_ADDRESS> URI of the LDAP used to authenticate users
--ldap-dn-pattern <LDAP_DN_PATTERN> LDAP DN pattern used when using single bind process
--ldap-search-base-dn <LDAP_SEARCH_BASE_DN> LDAP base DN used during username searches
--ldap-search-attribute-pattern <LDAP_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN> LDAP attribute(s) pattern used to match usernames during searches [default: (uid=%u)]
--ldap-search-dn <LDAP_SEARCH_DN> LDAP DN used to bind during username searches
--ldap-search-password <LDAP_SEARCH_PASSWORD> LDAP password used to bind during username searches
-T, --theme <THEME> CSS color used in the web UI [default: #15b154]
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Here is an example of a Dropit instance:
dropit \
--ip-origin \
--origin-size-sum 512MB \
--origin-file-count 64 \
--global-size-sum 10GB \
--threshold 64MB:24h \
--threshold 256MB:6h \
--credential admin:password \
--auth-upload \
If you host Dropit behind a reverse-proxy, make sure to use the --behind-reverse-proxy
option and to forward the client IP, protocol and original host by setting the X-Forwarded-For
, X-Forwarded-Proto
and X-Forwarded-Host
If you prefer to run Dropit as a Docker container, you can either build the image yourself using the Dockerfile available in this repo, or you can use the image built by the GitHub action.
docker run -p 8080:8080 docker.pkg.github.com/scotow/dropit/dropit:latest [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
Please read Binding to all interfaces if you can’t reach the process from outside the image.
By default, Dropit will only listen on the loopback interface, aka. If you don’t want to host Dropit behind a reverse proxy or if you are using the Docker image, you should specify the
address by using the -a | --address
as an HTTP backend and axum
for routingSQLite
and sqlx
as a metadata storagetokio
as an async runtimeclap
for options parsing and usage generation