项目作者: SaravanaVA
项目描述 :
It the blockchain technology file sharing between the nodes connected in the respective blockchain network.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/SaravanaVA/File_Sharing-Blockchain.git
It the blockchain technology file sharing between the nodes connected in the respective blockchain network.I have taken basecode of blockchin from web & modified it for making the file sharing between the nodes. I have enhanced list is given below,
- I have used the core PHP and Base64 encyption for the files content.
- File will spilited into many number of chunks based on its size.
- Based on nodes count splited files share the nodes in the blcok-chain and Each splited nodes having the duplicate copy in other nodes
- Now, Files has been stored in the Blockchain network
Now, beacause the file has been splited and encrypted, No one will read the content. If anyone successfully decrpted also they will have only small chunks. So 100% anyone will not able to find the original content
- For original user authendication, I have used most strongest encryption technology Blowfish Encryption Algorithm,
- User having private key will have information about the chunks of files in each node and they can able to collect it back on correct order and decrypt it.