项目作者: rafaelmartins92

项目描述 :
♻️ Application developed based on Next Level Week #01 from Rocketseat
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rafaelmartins92/ecoleta.git
创建时间: 2020-06-02T10:31:18Z

开源协议:MIT License



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Your waste collection point is here!

The main idea is to help people find waste collection points in an efficient way.

This application was based on Next Level Week #01 from Rocketseat.

Technologies |
How To Use |
How To Contribute |


:rocket: Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

:information_source: How to use

To clone and run this application, you’ll need Git, Node.js + Yarn installed on your computer.

From your command line:

Install Dependencies

  1. # Clone this repository
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/rafaelmartins92/ecoleta.git
  3. # Go into the repository
  4. $ cd ecoleta
  5. # Install dependencies
  6. $ npm install

Install API

  1. # Move yourself to the backend folder
  2. $ cd ..
  3. $ cd backend
  4. # Run migrates
  5. $ npm knex:migrate
  6. # Run seeds
  7. $ npm knex:seed
  8. # Start server
  9. $ npm dev
  10. # Now the server is running on port:3333 - To access it go to http://localhost:3333

Start Web Application

  1. # Move yourself to the web folder
  2. $ cd ..
  3. $ cd web
  4. # Run application
  5. $ yarn start
  6. # The web application will open on port:3000 - To access it go to http://localhost:3000

Start Mobile Application

  1. # Move yourself to the mobile folder
  2. $ cd ..
  3. $ cd mobile
  4. # Run application
  5. $ yarn start
  6. # Expo will open, just scan the qrcode on terminal or in the expo page
  7. # Also you can run in Xcode or Android Studio if you have any of them
  8. # If some problem with fonts, execute:
  9. $ expo install expo-font @expo-google-fonts/ubuntu @expo-google-fonts/roboto

:thumbsup: How To Contribute

  • Make a fork;
  • Create a branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-feature;
  • Commit changes: git commit -m 'feat: My new feature';
  • Make a push to your branch: git push origin my-feature.

After merging your receipt request to done, you can delete a branch from yours.

:memo: License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

Made with ♥ by Rafael Martins 👋 Get in touch!