项目作者: levindoneto

项目描述 :
Controller for a rotary actuator servomotor implemented for Intel Galileo Gen2 with set-up interruptions, bash scripts for configuring GPIOs and in/out components attached to it.
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/levindoneto/Galileo-Controller.git
创建时间: 2018-11-25T04:02:39Z



Galileo Controller

Controller for a rotary actuator servomotor implemented for Intel Galileo Gen2.

Authors: Levindo Gabriel Taschetto Neto e Vinícius Fratin Netto (2018/2).

Components (all from the grove-starter kit)

  • Pushbutton.
  • Servomotor.
  • Grove-LCD RGB Backlight v4.0.
  • Potentiometer.
  • LED socket v1.5.
  • Buzzer v1.2.

How to use

Configure the Cross Compiler

  1. $ cd scripts/
  2. $ source iss_setup.sh

Compile the controller for Galileo on the host

  1. $ cd ../src/
  2. $ make clean
  3. $ make

GPIO Setup

Access init/.

Copy the executable to the Intel Galileo Gen2

$ scp controller @: