Search Hacker News with Python
Search Hacker News with Python
from search_hn import SearchHN
hn = SearchHN()
String together methods to build queries
results = (hn
.search('bitcoin') # search query = 'bitcoin'
.latest() # return newest first
.stories() # stories only
.get() # execute search
for story in results:
print(story.title) # each JSON result becomes object w/fields as attributes
author = story.get_author() # and helpers to get related items
Or just use the non-composable methods for quick results
>>> print(hn.get_latest_stories()[0])
{ '_tags': ['story', 'author_smacktoward', 'story_15383441'],
'author': 'smacktoward',
'title': 'Carrier Deployment Raises Questions About Navy’s Rash of '
'Physiological Episodes',
'url': ''
Get single item (story, comment, poll, etc) by ID or username
Example of how to turn the items returned by a query into a plaintext file, one item per line
Check out the source to see available methods or for more examples - better docs soon