项目作者: Pygocentrus

项目描述 :
Workaround HN clone project using React/Redux & Material UI
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Pygocentrus/hacker-news-react-redux.git
创建时间: 2017-01-14T18:35:11Z



HN clone

deploy licence

Hacker news clone

Tiny project to play around with Hacker News API using React/Redux. Demo Here.

Getting started

To run the project, make sure you have Yarn installed. Then, simply run the following commands:

  1. $ yarn # installs dependencies
  2. $ npm run serve # starts the webpack dev server
  3. $ npm run build # if you need to build the app statically within `dist` folder
  4. $ npm run try # Try the built static files

Deploy it using Surge

If you wanna host it for free somewhere, use Surge.sh following the next steps:

  1. $ sudo npm i -g surge # install Surge
  2. $ npm run deploy # then target the `dist` folder and choose your DNS!



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HN clone

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HN clone