项目作者: loretoparisi

项目描述 :
Russian troll tweets
项目地址: git://github.com/loretoparisi/russian_trolls_tweets_dataset.git


Russian Troll Tweets Dataset


This dataset is taken as-it-is and published by NBC News in the article

Twitter deleted 200,000 Russian troll tweets, Ben Popken, Feb.14.2018, NBC News

Please cite the authors of the dataset if you want to use it in your work.


A database of more than 200,000 tweets that Twitter has tied to “malicious activity” from Russia-linked accounts during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
To recreate a link to an individual tweet found in the spreadsheet, replace “user_key” in https://twitter.com/user_key/status/tweet_id with the screenname from the “user_key” field and “tweet_id” with the number in the “tweet_id” field.

The Datasets


Tweets Dataset Header

  1. "user_id","user_key","created_at","created_str","retweet_count","retweeted","favorite_count","text","tweet_id","source","hashtags","expanded_urls","posted","mentions","retweeted_status_id","in_reply_to_status_id"


Users Dataset Header

  1. "id","location","name","followers_count","statuses_count","time_zone","verified","lang","screen_name","description","created_at","favourites_count","friends_count","listed_count"

3 million Russian troll tweets

From fivethirtyeight/russian-troll-tweets.
This data was used in the FiveThirtyEight story Why We’re Sharing 3 Million Russian Troll Tweets.

Please cite the authors of the dataset if you want to use it in your work.