src: This folder contains all projects and the solution
tests: Contains unit test projects
scripts: contains docker and any needed powershell, sh or bat files.
Architecture Style
Onion Architecture + Taking some benefits of DDD like using Specification pattern
App Architecture: Domain Centeric (Onion)
Repository Pattern for data access
Specification Pattern for filteration
ASP.NET Core (Taking benfits of performance, EF Core Code First Localization, DI, OWIN Middlewares)
Localdb as portable database solution (can be changed from connectionstring)
XUNIT, MOQ, FluentAssertions for Unit Tests
AutoMapper for Mapping ViewModels to Models and Vice Versa
Travis CI for continous Integration
How to setup
App should run without any issue on IIS or IIS Express
Make sure to run with VisualStudio 2017 or from command line (.NET Core Runtime should be installed)
Once the app run, it seed admin user and role to use it as admin (Can be changed from configurations)
Setup with VisualStudio:
Make sure to have Visual Studio that supports .Net Core.
Make sure that the .Net Core 2 runtime installed.
open solution from src folder.
Make sure to mark Presentation > Greenfinch.Newsletter.Web.MVC as Startup project
Restore Nuget Packages
Select the EntityFramework project from Nuget Package Manager then Update-Database to update the database from code and seed needed data (You may need to change connectionstring from appsettings and appsettings.development based on your prefrances)
Run with IISExpress or IIS
Note: If you wish you can use dotnet core command line commands to run the project.
CI/CD and Dockrization
I Used Travis CI for CI
Also project prepared to be deployed correctly on Docker (Only there are a missing orchstration step in scripts/docker-compose.yml which need to add a docker image for nanoserver or sqlserver and adjust the network configuration between the dotnet core app docker and the sql docker)