项目作者: loowcode

项目描述 :
A Fancy Flutter Calendar
高级语言: Dart
项目地址: git://github.com/loowcode/calendaroo.git
创建时间: 2020-05-01T20:36:08Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



A Fancy Flutter Calendar




  1. Install Flutter
  2. In a terminal run git clone https://github.com/loowcode/calendaroo.git
  3. Import in yout IDE


  1. In a terminal run flutter pub get
  2. Start an Android Emulator or connect an Android Device
  3. Run Calendaroo using one of the classes in /lib/environments/ directory of this repository as main



NB: from develop branch can start also a fix/<branch-name> and from release branch can start a bugfix/<branch-name>

Create Issue

  1. Select a type label (feture, fix, bugfix, hotfix), a priority label, the milestone and the project
  2. Select the assignee (Do this after the selection of a type label: a github action creates for you an associated branch)
  3. In a terminal run git fetch to update the list of branch

BranchName Convention

  • from develop (default branch): feature/<issue-number>-<issue-name> fix/<issue-number>-<issue-name>
  • from release: bugfix/<issue-number>-<issue-name>
  • from master: hotfix/<issue-number>-<issue-name>

Pull Request

  1. When you create a pull request include in the message a keyword (ex: Close #1 this comment automitally closes the issue when you merge the PR). Select a reviewer.
  2. Select the project
  3. When the reviewer approves your PR, merge it (I suggest you to use squash and delete branch to remove useless branch)


Made with ❤ by Jacopo Carlini, Pellegrino Durante, Giovanna Flore, Gianluca Galli