项目作者: smoriarty21

项目描述 :
Android app for tracking plants as they grow
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/smoriarty21/grow-tracker-android.git
创建时间: 2017-07-23T06:39:14Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Grow tracker is an easy to use free app for keeping track of plants of any kind. It allows you to add a plant to your main plant list. Once you have created a plant you may open up the plant and add log entries with pictures, notes and a date. This allows you to keep a digital grow journal quickly. Pictures and notes can allow you to look back at what worked best for your plants and allow you to try new things and record your results.


In the main root of this repo you will find an ‘apk_builds’ folder containing an apk file named ‘growtracker.apk’. All you need to do is download or copy this file to your phone and open it using any android file browser.

Using GrowTracker

When you first load the app you will be brought to a blank plant list. In the bottom right you will see a floating button with a plus sign. Clicking this button will bring up the ‘add plant’ screen. Clicking on the camera image on the top of the page will bring you to the camera activity allowing you to add a picture of your plant to the entry. Enter a name and a date you started your plant and hit the save button at the bottom of the screen. This will take you back to the plant list and you will now see your plant on the list. Click your new plant and you will be brought to the plant’s log entry list. On this screen the button on the bottom right will now bring you to the screen that will allow you to add a new log entry for your plant. On thew new log entry screen you may add an image, description, detailed notes and a date to a log entry. Clicking save will add this log entry to your plant and take you back to the plant information screen.

Screen Shots

Plant List

Add Plant

Plant Info

Questions / Suggestions

If you have any questions or feedback email me at smoriarty21@gmail.com, I will try my best to help everyone and I am always listening to feedback. If enough people ask for a feature I will make sure to get it added as quickly as possible.

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