项目作者: workshop-depot

项目描述 :
Pile of Astrological Calculations
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/workshop-depot/asterisk.git
创建时间: 2015-03-12T17:48:20Z

开源协议:MIT License



To make this package a pure Go one, F# code (and old code) moved to branch archive01.

For a Go wrapper for swiss ephemeris, see gosweph.

Go package used for Persian Calendar calculations is persical.

current status

Cleaning up things and applying Go best practices (as much as time allows me).


  • making it go getable.
  • removing the executable and it’s dependencies (like mgo and perhaps putting it inside another repo)

old readme

This code base basically contains a pile of Astrological abstractions and calculations in F# and Go. I’ve written these in C# and Python too. I’ve gave up Python because of dreadful ways it provides for FFI (and at last I’ve used another wrapper library for Swiss Ephemeris). F# is a great language for making abstractions - but it can easily seduce oneself into over-abstracting things. I’m happy with Go so far; but having no GUI tools is let’s say measurably saddening.

There are enough abstraction for one to get started with Swiss Ephemeris in F# (#fsharp) and Go (#golang). One can calculate a chart, planet hours and some events like start, max and end of angles between planets, in a time period like a month.

For extracting times of angles between planets; in F# a memory resident CSV shaped data source is used, via CSV Type Provider (so it consumes lots of RAM) and Go version is using MongoDB using mgo.

This code base is Alpha quality and need polishing but the calculations - for what it does so far - are precise and correct.

This code base is licensed as MIT but Swiss Ephemeris resides under a different license.