This repository contains the code for the lab session of the course Graph Theory.
This repository contains the code for the lab session of the course Graph Theory.
Practical No | Aim | Files |
1 | Implement the graph operation for union, intersection, ringsum, compliment and subtraction of the two different graphs. | Prac1_AdjList.cpp Prac1_AdjMat.cpp UndirectedGraph.h |
2 | Implement the CPP solution for checking isomorphic graphs. | Prac2_Isomorphism.cpp UndirectedGraphMatrix.h |
3 | Implement the Havel Hakimi Theorm to check whether the given degree sequence is a graph or not. | Prac3_HavelHakimi.cpp HavelHakimi.h |
4 | Implement the Code for finding Minimum cut edges and cut vertices for a graph. | Prac4_MinimumCutEdges.cpp UndirectedGraphMatrix.h mincutsetutilities.h |
5 | Write a program to implement single source shortest path algorithm. | Prac5_Djikstra.cpp Djikstra.h |
6 | Write a program to implement All source shortest path algorithm. | Prac6_FloydWarshall.cpp FloydWarshall.h |
7 | Find all the spanning trees using 1) cyclic interchange for a given graph 2) Cayley’s formula for a graph of n vertices. | Prac7_FindingAllSpanningTrees.cpp UndirectedGraph.h |
8 | Find maximum clique size of the graph. | Prac8_FindingMaxClique.cpp UndirectedGraphMatrix.h |
9 | Test Plannarity of a graph | Prac9_PlanarityTest.cpp UndirectedGraph.h |
10 | Write a program to find the chromatic number of a given graph. | Prac10_ChromaticColor.cpp UndirectedGraphMatrix.h |