项目作者: rebeccahickson

项目描述 :
Meal Planning app designed with React/Redux and Rails API
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rebeccahickson/frying-plan-frontend.git
创建时间: 2021-03-14T02:04:27Z

开源协议:MIT License


Frying Plan

Frontend file, view backend here

Frying Plan React/Redux application, using Rails as an API, that allows users to create meal plans by adding and removing recipes.


  • Ensure that you have Ruby installed properly
  • Clone this repository and its matching backend into the same folder
  • Prepare the backend by navigating into the backend folder and completing the following steps:

    • Make sure that you have all necessary gems by running:

      1. bundle install
    • Run the migrations

      1. rails db:migrate
    • Seed the database

      1. rails db:seed
  • Prepare the frontend by navigating into the frontend folder and completing the following step:

    • Install the necessary packages

      1. npm install


Starting the program

To start the server, enter this command in your backend folder:

  1. rails s

To open the application, enter this command in your frontend folder:

  1. npm start

You will be notified that there is already already something running on the port, which is expected. To continue, enter:

  1. y

How to use the program

  • The application opens on the home page. From here you can:
    • View your current meal plan by clicking “Meal Plan”
      • This page will give you the option to add or remove meals from your meal plan
        • Click the green calendar icon by the recipe you would like to add and fill out the form to add it to a particular day
        • Click the red minus icon to remove a meal from a particular day
    • View all recipes in the database by clicked “All Recipes”
    • Create a new recipe by clicking “New Recipe”
      • Fill out all the fields to create a new recipe - if you need to add multiple ingredients, you may open more input fields by clicking the green plus icon


The program is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License


Pull Requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.

Project Walkthrough

Screenshot of project walkthrough

Further Reading

Handling Nested Attributes with a Has Many Through Association with Rails API

A guide to handling nested attributes with a has_many :through association with Rails and React/Redux