项目作者: iamskok

项目描述 :
Elder Scrolls Legends card explorer React app
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/iamskok/esl-cards.git
创建时间: 2020-05-08T18:56:40Z

开源协议:MIT License


Project requirements

  • Show results in a card grid format with the image prominently displayed.
  • Each card displays: Image, Name, Text, Set Name, and Type. Additional fields are optional.
  • Display a loading indicator when communicating with the API.
  • Use a responsive design that accommodates, at minimum, desktop and mobile.
  • Initially, fetch and display the first 20 results returned by the API.
  • As the user scrolls down the page, load and append additional cards using “infinite scroll.”
  • Retrieve additional pages of results as-needed but do not load more than 20 cards with
    each request.
  • Allow the user to search for cards by Name.
  • Use modern open-source web technologies to implement your solution (React, Backbone,
    Angular, Vue, Underscore, etc.).
  • Provide instructions for prerequisites, installation, and application setup and build in a
    README file.


This project requires:

  1. Node.js ^14.0.0.
  2. Yarn ^1.22.4.
  1. yarn && yarn start

This command will install all required dependencies, start webpack-dev-server and automatically open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

NPM scripts

Name Description
build build production bundle
format:styles format styles with Stylelint
lint:js lint JavaScript for code quality issues with ESLint
format:js format JavaScript with Prettier
precommit run all linters and formatters with a single command


  • Use native fetch vs using 3rd party package, because no IE support is required.
  • Use subsetted Inter variable font for performance reasons and greater design capabilities. Variable font browser support is really good, so there no reason to use static fonts fallback with @supports"">CSS @suppots at-rule for this project. The font was subsetted with the help of fonttools and was reduced from original 318KB to 31KB.
  • Add sound effect on user interaction with use-sound hook. Lets the app communicate using 2 human senses instead of 1.
  • Agressively cache .js and .mp3 files with Netlify and Webpack contenthash file names.
  • Use @media/prefers-reduced-motion">prefers-reduced-motion CSS media feature in NoCardsFound component to avoid physical symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and malaise for certain users (requires system configuration on the user’s side).
  • Use a responsive grid with 1, 2, and 4 cards per row to avoid half-empty rows. (Initial and all subsequent fetches load 20 cards).
  • Add dark mode feature and save user selection in the LocalStorage to improve UX.
  • Use Angular’s git commit message styleguide to introduce consistency in the git history.
  • Use ESLint, Stylelint, and Prettier to avoid friction between developers.
  • Use Browserlist to share target browsers between Stylelint and babel-preset-env.
  • Use Netlify JavaScript minification instead of Webpack to avoid increasing local build time.
  • Use Theme Specification for organizing CSS-in-JS.


As always the project in never done you just stop working on it. Here is a list of things, which will be nice to add:

  • Add link preload for font file to give it the highest priority and load it ASAP.
  • Add CI and test suites.
  • Add SVG favicons for light and dark themes.
  • Add manifest.json and ServiceWorker for the offline-first experience.
  • Add sitemap.xml and robots.txt for better SEO.
  • Add React prop-types to catch bugs early on.


  • On iOS, after switching activities, sounds are not played anymore. There is an open Github issue.


  • Elder Scrolls Legends access ESL API endpoints, which can get information on cards and sets.
  • React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Styled Components is a CSS-in-JS library.
  • Webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications.
  • Babel is a JavaScript compiler.
  • ESLint is a pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on code quality issues in JavaScript.
  • Prettier is an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript and other languages.
  • Stylelint is a mighty, modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles.
  • Netlify is a web hosting infrastructure and automation platform.
  • Yarn is a fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
  • Renovate is an automated dependency updates tool.
  • Browserlist is a tool for sharing target browsers between different front-end tools.
  • use-sound a React Hook for Sound Effects.


Lighthouse results for https://esl-cards.netlify.app/