项目作者: OswaldLabsOpenSource

项目描述 :
♿ Oswald Labs' web accessibility plugin
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/OswaldLabsOpenSource/agastya.git
创建时间: 2018-12-21T21:50:41Z

开源协议:MIT License


♿ Agastya

Travis CI
Dev dependencies
Bundle size

📦 Get Started

  1. yarn add agastya
  1. // Import or require Agastya
  2. import Agastya from "agastya";
  3. // Initialize Agastya with your API key
  4. const agastya = new Agastya("API_KEY");

Optionally, you can use a specific channel:

  1. const agastya = new Agastya("API_KEY", "production"); // Production (default)
  2. const agastya = new Agastya("API_KEY", "beta"); // Beta (stable)
  3. const agastya = new Agastya("API_KEY", "dev"); // Nighly/development (breaking changes)

You can also use the official CDN instead:

  1. <script async src="https://platform.oswaldlabs.com/_/API_KEY.js"></script>

Once you’ve created the Agastya object, you can start using the API:

  1. agastya.open(); // Open the Agastya widget
  2. agastya.api("enableMode", "read-aloud"); // Start read aloud mode
  3. agastya.secureTrack({ hello: "world" }); // Track a custom event

API Documentation