We all like take-aways, and they’re even better when they’re delivered to our door. But not all take-aways are equal,
and some may have quite shocking standards of hygiene.
This plug in hopes to make picking the ideal take-away even easier by displaying the result of the food safety inspection score
against each take-away on just-eat.co.uk, hungry-house.co.uk and fillmybelly.com, making choosing what take-away to use even easier. I mean, you’re not going to choose
a 4 over a 0 are you?
Just visit the plugin on the Chrome web store and install!
Pull requests are welcome, and even encouraged. I’d like to get this to support more online take-away delivery sites, so would
be great if you could contribute!
This code is open source under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.md file for full details.