generate vector grids
Creates a regular grid of polygons based on input bounding box and resolution or dimensions.
The below example generates a polygon grid over the entire world, where each grid cell is 10x10 decimal degrees.
import polygongrid as pg
# desired bounds
bounds = (-180, 180, -90, 90)
# accepts input of either step sizes (resolution) or dimension sizes (number of items in each dimension)
# if both provided, they must agree
step_size = (10, 10)
dim_size = (36, 18)
my_grid = pg.PolygonGrid(bounds, step_size=step_size, dim_size=dim_size, properties="grid")
# Run time: 0.0295 seconds
Resulting polygon grid on top of imagery:
Note: while the transparency of the image only shows the edges, all outputs are polygons, and not lines.
The latest version of polygon-grid is available on PyPi, and can be installed with Pip:
pip install polygongrid
If you’d like to install the latest development (alpha) release, there may be a newer version on TestPyPi:
pip install -i polygongrid
To install this package from source, first clone this repository, then use pip to install:
git clone
cd python-polygon-grid
pip install .
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