项目作者: eyp

项目描述 :
Provides a way to create a distributed system for training Machine Learning models with Federated Learning paradigm.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/eyp/federated-learning-network.git
创建时间: 2020-10-26T08:07:39Z

开源协议:MIT License


Federated Learning Network

Provides a central node, and a client node implementation to build a Federated Learning network.
The central node orchestrates the training of one or several models that is performed by the client nodes.
Each client node has its own dataset to train a local model, and sends the result of the training to the
central node, that calculates the average of all the weights of the node clients models. That average
will be used by the clients on the next rounds of trainings. The local data of each client node is never
shared with any other node.


There are two options for running the nodes in the network, using Docker to create containers for each kind of node, or
using a standard local installation from the command line. Of course, both can be mixed (some nodes running as containers and other
by command line).


For now, there are two models for training: MNIST and Chest X-Ray. For using the MNIST one you don’t need to install anything else because
the client node downloads the dataset when it runs the training, but for the Chest X-Ray model you’ll need a dataset to get it working.

Download the dataset from https://data.mendeley.com/public-files/datasets/rscbjbr9sj/files/f12eaf6d-6023-432f-acc9-80c9d7393433/file_downloaded,
and uncompress it wherever you want on the client node machine, in a folder called chest_xray.
The final structure must be (other content in this folder will be ignored):

  1. chest_xray
  2. |----- train
  3. | |----- NORMAL
  4. | |----- PNEUMONIA
  5. |
  6. |----- test
  7. |----- NORMAL
  8. |----- PNEUMONIA

By default, the client node looks for it at GLOBAL_DATASETS/chest_xray. The variable GLOBAL_DATASETS is defined
in the configuration file client/config.py.

If you’re going to run the client node using Docker, you must pass a volume as a container parameter to indicate where you
have the datasets:

  1. -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets

In particular, for Chest X-Ray training, it’ll expect a directory chest_xray in your dataset’s directory with at least
two folders train and test with x-ray images.

Docker installation

Create the Docker image of the server:

  1. cd server
  2. docker build -t fl-server -f Dockerfile .

Run the server:

  1. docker run --rm --name fl-server -p 5000:5000 fl-server:latest

This command will delete the server container after stopping it. It runs the server on port 5000.

For the client, the first step is creating the Docker image:

  1. cd client
  2. docker build -t fl-client -f Dockerfile .

Running the project

Now there can be two different scenarios: running nodes on the same IP address, or running each node on a different IP address.
Bear always in mind than we can choose the ports we want if they are free. The ports used in these examples are just that, examples.

Same machine

If our IP address is for example, and we have the server running on port 5000, we can run several Docker clients in different ports:

  1. docker run --rm --name fl-client-5001 -p 5001:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  2. docker run --rm --name fl-client-5002 -p 5002:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  3. docker run --rm --name fl-client-5003 -p 5003:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  4. docker run --rm --name fl-client-5004 -p 5004:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest

If the server is running on another IP address, simply change the variable SERVER_URL accordingly.

IMPORTANT: To be able to use the Chest X-Ray model training follow the instructions of Training the Chest X-Ray model section.

Every node on a different IP address

If the IP address of the server is, for instance, at, and every client will be running on different IP addresses, we can do:

  1. docker run --rm --name fl-client -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest

For other clients, simply use the right IP address of each one:

  1. docker run --rm --name fl-client -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  2. docker run --rm --name fl-client -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  3. docker run --rm --name fl-client -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest
  4. docker run --rm --name fl-client -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_URL='' -e SERVER_URL='' -v /your_datasets_directory:/federated-learning-network/datasets fl-client:latest

Command line

If Docker is not an option, then you must install everything and running from the command line.
Python version must be 3.8, I haven’t tested it with 3.9 or <3.8 versions.

The best way is to have an isolated environment using conda or similar environment managers.
If you use miniconda or conda, just do:

  1. conda create --name fedlearning python=3.8
  2. conda activate fedlearning

Once you’re ready to install packages, do this:

  1. pip install torch torchvision
  2. pip install tensorflow
  3. pip install fastai
  4. pip install python-dotenv
  5. pip install aiohttp[speedups]
  6. pip install flask

Running the project

Central node

That’s very simple, just go to federated-learning-network/server and execute:

  1. flask run

It’ll start a central node in http://localhost:5000. To see that’s running well, open a browser and go to that URL.
You’ll see the dashboard of the network.

Client nodes

Open a new console, or just do it in another computer which has access to the server.
Go to federated-learning-network/client and execute:

  1. export CLIENT_URL='http://localhost:5001'
  2. flask run --port 5001

Do that for every client, changing the listening port. You’ll see some log traces telling the client
has started and has registered in the network:

  1. Registering in server:
  2. Doing request
  3. Response received from registration: <Response [201]>
  4. Client registered successfully

If you refresh the central’s node dashboard you can see all the clients registered in the network.

Training sessions

Once we have the central node and clients running properly and registered, just open the server dashboard and click on
the Launch training button.
This action will launch a training session between all the clients registered. You can see the progress of the training in each
client’s console. For example, for MNIST training you will see something like this in the client node console:

  1. Federated Learning config:
  2. --Learning Rate: 1.0
  3. --Epochs: 20
  4. --Batch size: 256
  5. Training started...
  6. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 1 : 0.9118
  7. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 2 : 0.9118
  8. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 3 : 0.9118
  9. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 4 : 0.9118
  10. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 5 : 0.8824
  11. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 6 : 0.8824
  12. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 7 : 0.9118
  13. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 8 : 0.9118
  14. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 9 : 0.9118
  15. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 10 : 0.9118
  16. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 11 : 0.9118
  17. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 12 : 0.9118
  18. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 13 : 0.9118
  19. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 14 : 0.9118
  20. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 15 : 0.9118
  21. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 16 : 0.9412
  22. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 17 : 0.9412
  23. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 18 : 0.9412
  24. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 19 : 0.9412
  25. Accuracy of model trained at epoch 20 : 0.9412
  26. Training finished...

You can do more training sessions afterwards and see how the model improves.


You can change some training parameters (epochs, batch size and learning rate) at:

  1. federated-learning-network/server/server.py start_training method

In the future it’ll be possible to do it from the central node’s dashboard.

Known issues

There’s no persistence implemented yet, so everytime you start servers & clients the model will be initialized with
random values and must be trained from the beginning.

This is a very early version, so it has room for lots of improvements, so new features will be added.