FEC data collection
Serverless applications to get near-real-time FEC data
All the serverless functions in this module do a few things:
View it live on GitHub Pages: https://advertising-analytics-llc.github.io/serverless-aws-fec-data-collectionor/
has the Engineering stuffdocs/OPS.md
has the Operations stuffdocs/DATA.md
has the data modelsYou can see the serverless functions defined in serverless.yml
and the code in src/
The resources that support them are defined in CloudFormation in prerequisite-cloudformation-resources.yml
The DDL is in the sql/
The bin/
has useful scripts that can be called via make
targets defined in the Makefile
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── bin # scripts
├── dev-requirements.txt # requirements for developing code
├── docs # documentation source
├── package.json
├── prerequisite-cloudformation-resources.yml # SQS qs, SNS topics, S3 Bucket
├── requirements.txt # requirements for running code
├── serverless.yml # functions
├── sql # SQL DDL
├── src # python code
├── tests