Hot Dice
Hot Dice is another name for dice game Farkle™, Greed, Squelch, 10,000, or Zilch. Hot Dice is played by two or more players, with each player in succession having a turn at throwing the dice. Each player’s turn results in a score, the players accumulate points to a set amount to determine a winner. The pot, if present, is anteed at the beginning of each game.
Run locally with the following command; file changes are automatically tracked.
npm start
Run npm start
In a new terminal window run npm run test:open
to open the test runner or npm run test:run
to run tests in the terminal
Remove Trailing and Leading Commas Regex
Create Random Numbers with window.crypto
How does JavaScript’s Math.random() generate random numbers?
Secure random values (in Node.js)
Use crypto.getRandomValues for new seeds
How to remove an item from an Array in JavaScript
Generating UUID’s in Vanilla JavaScript