项目作者: olgarozhdestvina
项目描述 :
Task assessment
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/olgarozhdestvina/Fundamentals-of-Data-Analysis-Tasks.git
Task Assessment Fundamentals of Data Analysis Module GMIT 2020

The repository consists of four tasks covering various topics on Fundamentals of Data Analysis:
- Outputting a dictionary of unique items with the number of appearances from a list without using Python libraries
- Dice roll simulation
- Flip a coin simulation
- Simpson’s paradox.
Submitted by: Olga Rozhdestvina (Student No: G00387844)
Lecturer: Ian McLoughlin
Programming Language used: Python
Set up
Applications used for completion of the tasks are The Jupyter Notebook and cmder
Distribution of Python used is Anaconda Python distribution.
Libraries used to complete the tasks: random, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas. All of these are installed with the Anaconda Python distribution.
How to run the code
- Make sure that you have Python installed
- Download or clone current repository “Fundamentals-of-Data-Analysis-Tasks”
- Open Command Interpreter and get into correct directory
- Install packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt (recommended through virtual environment to avoid possible break of system tools or other projects)
- Run Jupyter notebook
- On the home page of opened Jupyter server select Tasks.ipynb
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details