Elasticsearch compatible Hunspell dictionary for Croatian.
This dictionary is meant to be used in combination with Elasticsearch’s Hunspell Stemmer in order to provide support for searching of Croatian words inside documents. It’s based on the hunspell-hr project.
All diacritic letters (č, ć, đ, š, ž) have been substituted with their ASCII equivalents since native Croatian speakers don’t tend to use them at search time.
All comments have been omitted from the affix file in order to preserve compatibility with Apache Lucene’s dictionary parser.
Building is currently only supported on Linux platforms. You’ll need the following tools: awk
, bash
, cut
, grep
, sed
, wc
, zip
archive from the .build
directory and follow the installation instructions.<path.conf>/hunspell/hr_HR/
. The configuration directory will be at a different location depending on how you installed Elasticsearch.To run tests you’ll need to have Docker (17.09+), Python (3.0+) and the following tools: bash
, cat
, cut
, curl
, head
, tail
docker build -t spideyfusion/elasticsearch-croatian .
.docker run --rm -e "discovery.type=single-node" -p 9200:9200 spideyfusion/elasticsearch-croatian
.NOTE: You can specify which version of Elasticsearch you want to build using the
build argument (e.g. 5.6.4).
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT). The unmodified dictionary license can be found in the README_hr_HR text file.